Comments on my first paid work? (Sort of crossover between Insomnium and L.O.G.)

Whoa! What used on guitars?
For my taste would be +0,5db or bit more for kick. I feel it whole song and kinda lose audibility at some points, but would like to hear it.
The guitars are processed with TSE X50 plugin. I'll post a full patch when I've found the settings I'm really happy with.

this sounds awesome! what's the name of the band? i'd love to follow their work :)

You can check their earlier work here. I just want to warn you that it's REALLY badly produced. I actually landed this job by giving them some serious critisism on their first recording. Their earlier stuff will be totally blown out of water by these new tunes.
The guitars are processed with TSE X50 plugin. I'll post a full patch when I've found the settings I'm really happy with.

You can check their earlier work here. I just want to warn you that it's REALLY badly produced. I actually landed this job by giving them some serious critisism on their first recording. Their earlier stuff will be totally blown out of water by these new tunes.

cheers dude! looking forward to hearing the finished product/s :)
You did nice with masking the scratchiness of the amp sim, although TSE X50 rocks, it still tends to show especially in strumming riffs. Maybe a less clicky kick and more low end! That's just me though.