Comparing speakers in my Mesa Cab


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Pretty sure I know which 2 I like best, but figured I would share it here too and get some more opinions:

Video with some Greenbacks in the cab coming next week!
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"It sounds good, bitch!"

Don't give a poop about the individual speaker though, they all sound good, and that tiny difference will be swept away by not 100% identical mic placement anyways I guess.
1 and then 4 are the ones I liked best.
2 and 3 wouldn't be missed imo

I also thouht about swapping the 2 speakers I don't use out, and putting greenbacks in, or t75...making it a bit übercab-ish.
But I pretty much like how the cab sounds during not sure yet.
keen to hear your experience with it!