Compilation Closed - Fuck Off!!

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Right thats it for the sake of my fucking sanity this compilation v2 is now closed. Anyone who hasnt uploaded whatever or failed to replace or fucking monster and fucking maskiner whatever its all closed.

Ill spend a few days on the running order and artwork and if theres any spaces in the tracklist where somenes failed to upload or re-upload i'll fill it in myself with something.

Les Au Revoirs Et Al. A Plus Heure
Mick Moss said:
What was your original track? If it was Senser then dont worry Im leaving it on
twas senser idd :D but it would be fair for tools to be able to upload another track, isnt it? whats the haste for like?
Mariner said:
twas senser idd :D but it would be fair for tools to be able to upload another track, isnt it? whats the haste for like?
i still am confused bout that Samael t5rack, but i hastily uploaded a new one.