Complete New De Profundis album "A Bleak Reflection" streaming online for free

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New Metal Member
May 28, 2007
Hello everyone,

I would like to share the fact that my band's new album "A Bleak Reflection" has been made available to stream in its entirety from our myspace page for this week only. The album was released on Kolony Records just a few days ago, so we thought that we would give people to hear the whole thing and give those not too familiar with our music a chance to check it out.

Here's the link:

It's almost 70 minutes of black/death/prog/doom metal that features fretless 6 string bass-playing, acoustic guitars, double-tracked rhythm guitars, lots of guitar solos and a cello session player. I think anyone into progressive extreme metal would appreciate it.

There's also a album trailer and a "making of" documentary at the link above.

I hope you guys enjoy it and I would love to get some feedback. Feel free to ask any questions - technical or otherwise. The whole album will be available to listen to only for 1 week, after which time we will only leave a couple of songs up.

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