Complete Opeth Collection?


Nov 28, 2008
I'm trying to ensure that I'm not missing any songs in my Opeth collection and that nothing is incorrect (aside from the track lengths, I know they're wrong).

I would much appreciate it if anyone can let me know what I'm missing and, if so, where it was released so I can obtain it. I'm sure many of you have a complete collection!

Bloodbath songs aren't listed here, but of course I have all their albums. :)

Here's the track list.
Why don't you just pull out all of your CD's and make sure when you imported them to your computer, the information transfered accurately?

Nice subtle way of asking if she downloaded all the music :p
No, they're just crappy rips :p My husband has better versions since he isn't computer-retarded but I've slacked on replacing my versions.

And doing that would not tell me if I'm missing anything Opeth-related.

Edit: Also some are from Amazon, not physical CD's.