completely un touched re-amp

Sounds like you've got a ground loop or something going on there man. Also as already mentioned there's alot of fizz, but the basic tone is actually pretty meaty. Just gotta get rid of the fizz and after that I think it could use a bit of a cut in the low mids to remove some mud.
Sounds like you've got a ground loop or something going on there man.

got the same problem with my reamps although the ground loop button on my redeye 3D is engaged. without it it would be hell, though.

besides that, i think the tone is a little overgained and fizzy but could fit in the mix which I can't assess.
My opinion just echoes the others posted. Try making sure the reamp box is away from as much electrical shit as possible, if mine is sitting on the desk near my interface I get a similar noise issue. Same with my DI box.