compression & tuning vocals


I try.
Aug 20, 2010
Boston, MA
I was wondering if compressing clean vocals before tuning or compressing after tuning yielded the best results.
is this even a relevant question?

vocal tuning is what I get the least practice at.
any suggestions on what I can do to get more practice?
Forgive me but what is tuning vocals exactly? Do you mean changing the pitch? Correcting parts?

I usually print my vocals. Record vocals to a blank track with just auto tune evo on, tune, output sent to a bus, that bus output goes to the input of another regular audio track. Hit record, edit, process.

Just to be cleardo you record with evo auto correcting the track and creating a copy of the auto tuned vocal on a seperate track?
If so, do to comp the 2 together to rid artifacts?