Compressor pedals


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
Does anyone use them? What models? Likes and dislikes?

I've used them before and always end up tossing them aside. Maybe I haven't struck gold with the right model...or, it's just not for me.

I'm not looking for some outrageously priced boutique pedal...just a bare bones, reasonably priced box.

Any thoughts?
depends what you mean by reasonably priced....I didn't like the Boss unit personally, and that's probably the most obvious "cheap" model. The MXR super comp and dyna comp models are both pretty good (and cheaper than the boss unit I believe). I'm looking at either an Analogman Bi-compressor of a Keeley compressor. I've played the bi-compressor and loved it, but I'm just going by word of mouth on the Keeley box. Both of those, are into the Boutique end of things though, so unless you can find them used at killer prices (don't count on it), I don't know that I'd include them in your search.
depends what you mean by reasonably priced....I didn't like the Boss unit personally, and that's probably the most obvious "cheap" model. The MXR super comp and dyna comp models are both pretty good (and cheaper than the boss unit I believe). I'm looking at either an Analogman Bi-compressor of a Keeley compressor. I've played the bi-compressor and loved it, but I'm just going by word of mouth on the Keeley box. Both of those, are into the Boutique end of things though, so unless you can find them used at killer prices (don't count on it), I don't know that I'd include them in your search.

99.99 and under...ha!

I'm bidding on a used 80's Ibanez CP10...all their stuff from that era is killer!(most of it Maxon made)...and I can probably get it for under 40 bucks!

My main consideration otherwise is the BBE Orange Squash...although China made...their stuff is grand!...and AC adaptor included!:) I can fin an ebay unit new for under the magic price tag.

I've read the Dyna Comps are loud...but still a consideration.
I dont know man, someone with more commentment, tech knowledge and ambition can do much more than me with one of these. I'm still just using the presets, happily. Its all there for the tweaking and the presets far exceed the tone of my Carvin and Randall in bypass mode.

Most people don't have much of a practical use for them. Most people who use compressor pedals fall into two categories (in my experience):

-country players...for whom that sound is fairly essential
-shred guys who are using it to acheive a tone that is easier to play on (usually at the expense of tone quality)
Most people don't have much of a practical use for them. Most people who use compressor pedals fall into two categories (in my experience):

-country players...for whom that sound is fairly essential
-shred guys who are using it to acheive a tone that is easier to play on (usually at the expense of tone quality)

Yeah...I dig it for the country style stuff, but have always tried and abandoned it for anything else.

Just always looking for little tone tweakers, and I dig vintage pedals, so I check out ebay.

I do like the BBE products and the simplicity of their Orange Squash. Thing is with all pedals, you really need to try them with your axe and your rig.
Hush IIB on my rack. Back in the '80's/'90's, I could never find a noise gate that would function well enough. My DOD American Metal pedal was quite noisy in the manner I used it. Switching to the Hard Rock Distortion and dropping an eq pedal into the send/return on my Crate G212 changed things considerably. My metal sounds were unreal. I didn't have a need for noise gate then.
How about noise gates/suppressors? Anyone use them? I never have...never really had the need.

Yep, had an old DOD noisegate that I used with my old JCM 800. Worked like a charm. With all the pedals I had, flourecent lighting, and usually questionable power at our practice locations, the old Marshall hummed like a mofo, especially with the Tube Screamer & MXR pre amp pedal left on. With my Flextone II, it's a tweakable parameter in the preset, and I do use it with the higher gain amp models. Again, works like a charm. When I sold my Marshall and jumped to a Mesa Boogie MK IV, I didn't need it. That Mesa was THE most quiet tube amp I ever played through or heard in my life. I miss it to this very day.... :(
I don't understand why a compressor pedal is needed. Isn't a distorted guitar compressed by its very nature? I understand why one would be needed for recording, but why for live playing?
Found an awesome compressor old DOD FX-80B...controllable, subtle, very musical. Altitudes...I use the compressor more for clean especially tightens up rhythm playing...evens out the attack especially when strumming's nice. Great for that classic Mark Knopfler sound and of course the Nashville stuff. This pedal though, does work nice with distortion and can give my preamp a nice boost.