Computer Fan Noise


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
I've been recording, mixing, and mastering using a Macbook Pro since 2010. I've started noticing more and more that the fan noise is becoming a bit of an issue while recording in the same room. The MBP often ramps up to max 6,000RPM on the fans, which is audible in a mic in the same room when I'm doing vocals or acoustic guitar, for example. I am probably going to replace/upgrade my studio computer this summer, and fan noise will be a consideration.

Does anyone have a newer iMac that they use for recording? How is the fan noise? How does it compare to the MBP?

Make sure it is not clogged with dust, a normal fan speed is about 2000 RPM, so maybe your fan is struggling to keep the temperature down, fighting against all that dust.

The ultimate solution would be:
Google: "flexible air ducts" + a powerful fan in another room + all fans inside the studio computer set on really slow speed...