Crackling noise with Countryman... HALP!

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
So I resort to you guys now. I've got this crackling noise going on in my Countryman Type 85 plugged into my TC Konnekt 6 and it's driving me nuts!

I've plugged and unplugged everything off between the two (and my guitar).

I've tried different cables.

I've tried phantom power and battery power.

I've flipped the ground switch in my Countryman.

I've unplugged everything from my wall's outlet and into other outlets.

All of those to no avail.

The noise comes and goes... sometimes it's worse than others...

I've narrowed it to the Countryman being the issue because if I unplug it from my Konnekt's input, the noise goes away. If I unplug the guitar off the CM's input, the noise is exactly the same.

I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have any idea what might be causing it?

Here's a clip of what it is... first half is it without the crackling noise and the second is with the crackling noise. Same exact settings on everything.

Try to run your laptop on battery and disconnected power supply. Try to plug either laptop, amp, speakers, audio interface power supply to rosette without ground. Try to run signal to Countryman through cable with shield floated on the one end.