Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 static/crackling (with sound clip)


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
I got one this Wednesday just gone. That night, channel 7's input monitor started lighting up as if something was in channel 7's input, so I turned it up to have a closer listen and I got this static/crackling noise.

It's not like audio drop-outs or anything software related, it's like a fizzing electrical noise. But on like... ALL the time, even when that input isn't in use.

So I took it back today and exchanged it for a new one, but this new one is doing the same thing, only on channel 4 this time.

After a long internet search I found someone having a similar problem and that they had sort of narrowed it down to the power in their house.

Now, I have noticed that when my hall light is on at the top of the stairs, any guitar equipped with EMG's goes fuckin CRAZY with buzzing etc until you turn the light off.

Also, this problem with the Focusrite only happens at night, I'm assuming because I have the lights on. So can dodgy wiring/electrics in the house be the cause or is it just a huge coincidence and I've had TWO faulty Saffires?

FWIW, my Pro 14 never had such a problem.

Anyway, here's the sound it makes: 40 Crackling.mp3

Any ideas? :cry:
I had the same issue with mine and a HumX got rid of it. These arent available in the UK, not sure what you guys have out there but the HumX got rid of it for me.

The Saffires are very susceptible to noise from bad electrical grounding.
I had the same issue with mine and a HumX got rid of it. These arent available in the UK, not sure what you guys have out there but the HumX got rid of it for me.

The Saffires are very susceptible to noise from bad electrical grounding.

Good to know. Just got mine recently and haven't had any issues yet, but I have a couple HumX's around somewhere, in case the problem arises.
I'm starting to believe that your problem, guitarguru777, is different from mine.

My noise isn't a hum, or an electrical frequency interference, it's a crackle, which implies to me a faulty pot?
Because I ask myself: why only one channel out of eight identical channels? But then again: why have I got two with the same problem? A faulty batch? I don't know, but I'm sick of it :lol:
The problem you are describing can be caused by electrical grounding issues. If you can't get your hands on something like a Hum-X, I would suggest at least taking the unit to someone else's studio, where you're certain there are no ground problems, to see if the problem remains or not.
Well tbh it hasn't left my house yet, I haven't had any clients since I bought it (there's one booked for this coming Saturday though) so this is just in my home. I could take it to a friend's house first I guess.

But still - why only one channel out of eight identical channels? Surely they'd all be doing it?
Like I said, mine doesn't do it, but I have no ground issues in my home. I don't really know, because I don't have the problem. However, guru777 seemed to recognize your issue right away, and he's usually pretty on point. I would seriously suggest taking it somewhere you know would have no electrical ground issues and see if the problem is still there.

Or, just get this, as it'll come in handy sometime anyway...