Popping/Crackling noise in Cubase 5!!

Sep 8, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
I have a very frustrating problem!!! I'm currently using my Pod xt Pro and i will not stop getting a scratching/crackling noise. I've read so many posts about this and nothing has worked. Here's some info:

It even scratches when there's no plugins whatsoever.

I've never had this problem before

My computer had one of the new i7 processors with 8G's of RAM.

When it asks me to choose an Asio Driver, I choose "ASIO Pod xt pro" I'm not sure if this is right. If it isn't, which driver do I choose?

I've messed around with the buffer and stuff but still nothing.

Quick question, if I INCREASE the buffer, does this help with the noise? Or does it help when you decrease it?

I have a lot of plugins installed but they are not active. I currently have waves an uad plugs. I reallllllllllly need help on this.
Just little questions to find a solution:

Is the pod plugged into a usb hub?

Are drivers up to date? ( same with cubase updates)

Is the pod the only soundcard when this happens? ( in my mac, line 6 devices cause similar things when assigned as aggregate devices)

Just to have a clear view about how is it plugged, running and all :)
Just little questions to find a solution:

Is the pod plugged into a usb hub?

Are drivers up to date? ( same with cubase updates)

Is the pod the only soundcard when this happens? ( in my mac, line 6 devices cause similar things when assigned as aggregate devices)

Just to have a clear view about how is it plugged, running and all :)

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes