Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Opinions?

I'm latency obsessed as well and I'm running a Q9550 (2.83ghz x 4 core) with 4GB of RAM and 64 samples with the Profire and it is giving me 6ms (round-trip) according to REAPER.

Just had to be a cheesy bastard and come into this thread and say I'm getting 3.6ms (1.4 in/2.2 out) round trip at 64 samples with a dual core 2.2ghz and 2 gig ram.

Go RME. :lol:
Solved it. Pretty stupid, but I'm fucking glad I noticed.... :lol:

There's a setting in the MixControl program, which I virtually never open although it's suggested to be kept open while you're using your DAW. The setting was "Firewire Driver Latency" which was set to "Very long"....

I got it down to 6,5ms at 32. 64 is 8,0ms.

I think you have the old drivers installed as well :D
6,2ms at 32 and 7,5ms at 64! Motherfucker!

Not that much better, but makes me feel good in my pants.

I want to thank you all to make me correct this thing. I seriously never noticed, but now I can clearly notice a difference. Thanks a lot!

Seriously, FML.
How about you convince me to sell my Profire 2626 to buy the Saffire Pro 40 instead? Because I can't find any reason to do it and I don't get your reasoning.

I'm latency obsessed as well and I'm running a Q9550 (2.83ghz x 4 core) with 4GB of RAM and 64 samples with the Profire and it is giving me 6ms (round-trip) according to REAPER.

For what it's worth, when I was researching which interface to buy, most reviews tended to favor the Profire over the Saffire which is why I bought it. This was about 4-5 months ago.


at first i was against getting the Profire because i frankly didn't want to have what everyone else seems to have these days :)
weird, i know.

now i'm split 50/50 between Profire and Saffire.
the ability to run ProTools at some point in the future would be a plus, definatly.

I'd love to see/hear a comparison between the Preamps in each unit though.

thats a relief to see that you've got that sorted out.

is there much difference in performance between those different modes?
i'm kinda put off by that to be honest, i would rather not have to worry about setting that kind of thing manually.

can you give an overview of what diffferent options are available in that control panel?
thats a relief to see that you've got that sorted out.

is there much difference in performance between those different modes?
i'm kinda put off by that to be honest, i would rather not have to worry about setting that kind of thing manually.

can you give an overview of what diffferent options are available in that control panel?

I'm hoping that I won't have to set it any time soon again, I remember setting it to "short" once before. I might have updated after that. Just now when I updated, it set it automatically back to "Very long"... I can't see why very long must be a default setting, I give you that.

There are modes for short, medium, long, and very long. I'm not even sure why there must be modes for this. If very long induced a latency of like 20 milliseconds, then those other modes are somewhere in between. It takes time to check the exact numbers though, as changing the mode doesn't immediately alter the roundtrip latency in Logic (at least it doesn't seem to).

The panel is used for routing and stuff like that. There's a mixer so you can do monitor mixes with it, and using the panel you can make/choose a preset which Saffire Pro 40 will use if you want to use it standalone. I don't have much use for the panel at the moment, and that's why I rarely open it. I'm going to see for you how often the latency setting will change, or will it change at all from now on, and report back.

edit. the GUI looks like this:


It appears there are some sort of tutorials at the Focusrite website these days. Ace. I'll have to check them out.
I have both the Profire 2626 and Liquid Saffire 56. The Profire makes my computer BSOD randomly, even if I'm not in my DAW. The Saffire doesn't. Thus, I use my Saffire and Profire for extra pres.
It might be also worth mentioning that Focusrite at least USED to have problems with their Windows drivers, but I guess they've fixed them now. I never got my Saffire working properly in neither my MacBook running XP, nor a shitty Acer laptop. It's not a huge issue, but I would have wanted to try some of the free VSTs out there. Of course, you're running OSX so it doesn't matter.
It might be also worth mentioning that Focusrite at least USED to have problems with their Windows drivers, but I guess they've fixed them now. I never got my Saffire working properly in neither my MacBook running XP, nor a shitty Acer laptop. It's not a huge issue, but I would have wanted to try some of the free VSTs out there. Of course, you're running OSX so it doesn't matter.

indeed, though i do dual boot with Vista, and i like to use my interface as my system soundcard so i can chill and listen to music through my monitors.

i need to check and see if there are still issues with windows drivers.
Erkan, how do you find the Profire for tracking?

do you track lots of inputs at once, while monitoring from the DAW , and at low buffers?

Yup, yup and yup :)

I track 8 channels of drums with it and I can monitor through the DAW with sound replacement on each drum and all compressors and EQs active and stuff. I have stopped monitoring through the DAW though, I'm nowadays monitoring just straight through the Profire to monitor the REAL sound of the drums. I think it'll affect my playing for the better that way, so I don't rely on monitoring with all the effects and shit.

Since I bought my Profire, I have NEVER switched to a higher buffer than the minimum (64 samples) because I have never needed to. I can do full mixes and stuff at 64 samples with the Q9550 computer so... it's nice ^^

I've never had a BSOD with the Profire. I've had a few BSODs before with a reference to "sysaudio.sys" but that wasn't the Profire's fault, it was something else. Think it had to do with the page file or something, because it was a "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA" or some shit.

I REALLY think you should stop that anti-mainstream bullshit dude, no offense but it's such a teen thing to do. Why do you think a lot of people use the Profire 2626? Because it's pretty and you look cool having it around, or because it's a great unit? :) I'm gonna stop buying <insert random popular brand here> gear from now on because too many people use them already... ^^
Yup, yup and yup :)

I track 8 channels of drums with it and I can monitor through the DAW with sound replacement on each drum and all compressors and EQs active and stuff. I have stopped monitoring through the DAW though, I'm nowadays monitoring just straight through the Profire to monitor the REAL sound of the drums. I think it'll affect my playing for the better that way, so I don't rely on monitoring with all the effects and shit.

Since I bought my Profire, I have NEVER switched to a higher buffer than the minimum (64 samples) because I have never needed to. I can do full mixes and stuff at 64 samples with the Q9550 computer so... it's nice ^^

I've never had a BSOD with the Profire. I've had a few BSODs before with a reference to "sysaudio.sys" but that wasn't the Profire's fault, it was something else. Think it had to do with the page file or something, because it was a "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA" or some shit.

I REALLY think you should stop that anti-mainstream bullshit dude, no offense but it's such a teen thing to do. Why do you think a lot of people use the Profire 2626? Because it's pretty and you look cool having it around, or because it's a great unit? :) I'm gonna stop buying <insert random popular brand here> gear from now on because too many people use them already... ^^

thanks mate,
thats exactly what i needed to hear.

as for my originally not wanting to get a profire, i know its good, there are plenty here that can confirm that, but my reasoning was that if the Saffire was exactly on par with it, then i would lean towards being the "odd one out" and getting that instead.

M-Audio has a long history of cheap midi controllers and low-end interfaces,
whereas Focusrite has a long history of making great Pres.

all other things being equal, my mind would lead me towards the Focusrite.

im actually leaning more towards the Profire now though,
i want this interface to be a solid foundation, and it seems from your experience (And that of other users) that it would be the better option.

so its not a matter of "wanting to be different" in a teen angst way, :)
just a desire to explore other options.

thanks for contributing :kickass:
Sorry for sounding a bit ass-like TheDriller but yeah... I guess I have a problem with people who just want to be different for no reason but you seem to have your reasons so it's all good! :D

Anyway dude... I'm gonna be honest with ya. I had 2 BSODs when I first got my Profire, like within the first couple of days and after the Profire "settled" in (as in me updating its drivers, tweaking the computer to perform well for audio, disabling bullshit services and processes in Windows XP yada yada) it worked just fine. For 4-5 months I haven't had a BSOD and the Profire was just AWESOME. At one time, it disconnected itself from the computer for some reason - the power LED started flashing but I just restarted it and it was fine again. I think that may have been due to a power surge or something because the power seems to be weird in my rehearsal place.

Anyway, the day after I wrote that fucking post above saying I never get any BSODs... guess what happened. Yea that's right, I got a BSOD. But don't be alarmed - it wasn't while working in my DAW (REAPER). I was installing a big ass application which really stressed my hard drive and I was listening to music through VLC at the same time. I guess the M-Audio drivers aren't 100% rock solid, so the data sent through the computer's busses may have been a bit too much/confusing for the Profire so it decided to go blue on my ass.

That's all I have to say about the Profire 2626 really. It has never caused any problem while working with audio - which is the main point. But I know how you feel (I think) because when I'm about to buy something new I need to be 100% - no make that 110% - sure that it's a rock solid unit and that there are no problems with it. That's what I didn't get a Firepod btw :) The general opinion on the net seemed to be that the Profire 2626 is an awesome unit and it is slightly preferred over the Focusrite equivalent, or at least that's how I interpreted it as so I went for the Profire 2626. I can understand if you want to go for the Focusrite instead but I'm pretty sure it has its oddities as well. You should do some googling some evening and search specifically for bugs and troubles regarding the Focusrite, and do the same with the Profire. Make a list of the most common issues and compare them... see which one will most likely cause the least problem for you.

I don't think there is a unit that works 100% flawlessly in this digital world... there is always something fucking up. Although the RME stuff seems to be pretty damn rock solid but they cost appropriately as well! :)
Thanks bud :kickass:

yeah, im back to being 50/50 between the 2 units,
i've checked up the BSOD problem and there is a worryingly large number of people experiencing that problem on Windows, and M-Audio seem very reluctant to actually sort it out.

it seems to crash when switching between audio applications, when the driver needs to switch and accept a new audio stream.
for most people its a case of them working in the DAW, then close it and open a media player, hit "play" and instant BSOD.
lots of people reporting the same issue in multiple threads on the support forums, and M-Audios official line is "we can't reproduce it", so all those guys are stuck with un-useable gear, and £400 out of pocket.

i dualboot between windows and OSX, i use my interface as the system soundcard in both operating systems, and if this shit happened to me i would not be happy at all.

plus, even if it does work ok on my current setup, you just never know whats going to happen down the line.
i could lose my computer somehow, need to buy a laptop and then find that the damn thing doesn't work, you know?

i get a bad vibe from that stuff to be honest.

I notice though, that the Profire has an extra set of ADAT ins, and wordclock too.

though the Saffire has hardware meters, and midi in/out.

I've done a quick google about Saffire problems, and there doesn;t seem to be many real issues yet.

hmmm, its gonna be a tough one :)