Comus @ Mellotronen 2008 : full video inside


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Sep 4, 2003
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this is a bootleg, not yet the official DVD release, the quality of the picture and sound is not always top notch but decent enough, much better than the couple youtubes out there. You can even spot my hands flying in the air.

Fuck what an unforgettable moment it was in retrospect. So glad I was there, sick to death as I was...

The bongo-only middle part of Diana and the return to full band orchestration thereafter just gave me the longest goosebump ride in memory. And The Herald OMFG!!!!!!

Comus ffs :worship:notworthy:worship:notworthy:worship:notworthy

except for all the people getting fooled by false endings and cheering before the songs are over like every time heh
What player are you using bro?!? I recommend VLC for all your pc media needs.

God Damn this rules!!! Thank You Ellestin, my boy! :kickass:

BTW- Hysterical review of "First Utterance".

''Use caution, as this is not easy music to digest, even to prog standards.'' Even if one dares to call this music, it's very easy to digest and forget it. Foremost statement serves only as a bad excuse. I don't have to pretend liking Comus because of it's ''legendary'' status, ''elaborated'', crazy and, oh!, so original music, neither to feel ignorant having trouble getting it or ''digesting it''. I'm not afraid of a little weirdness in my music, but we're not talking weirdness, this is crazyness.

Someone so obsessed and, what's more important - serious about killing, death, bodies, blood, virgins and raping is sick. This album is not a metaphor, retrospect or a critique of any kind (not even a simple attempt to shock the audience) to be taken even a bit seriously. This is rampage. Vocal delivery is frantic and songs are (except ''The Herald'') in a crazed tribal or twisted psych-folk manner. I can't understand how can anyone enjoy this.

If you'd like to hear what decadence sounds like, go ahead and give this a spin. Otherwise, stay away from this mess. I bet cannibal tribes make more sensible music.
I can't believe how good that lady looks (and sounds) for her age!

They all play so nicely, some parts Wootton's vocals were even crazier than on the album!
well. i have to admit that i did some serious LSD last night and now i'm pretty sure first utterance is a part of my soul.
yo the occasional psychedelic experience won't hurt anyone. but let's not derail this fantastic thread. everyone download this shit noowwwwwww
Are they coming out with a new album???????

We sparked such a Comus revival that they were forced to make new music. Just like what happened with Maudlin Of The Well.

Listening now.