Concert pics

I'll use this topic to post all the band pics from past weekend. (if anyone else wants to post his or her pics, please use this topic instead of creating a new one.)

Cloudscape is up !


find them here: Cloudscape PPeur 2009

Are you going to make me ~beg~ for you to finish the Evergrey pics? :p Priorities, Henk, priorities!
We'll begging wouldn't help much, would it? :rolleyes:

Let's meet in the middle then, i'll give you the ones from the accoustic set for now, the regular set will NOT be the next that will have it's completion.

You have appeased me ... for now! :p
haha classic, i have never seen so many cameras on us, even playing with Slayer and Mastodon we didn't have this many photographers!
Whouah....... Slayer & Mastodon !!!!!:worship:
(Mastodon could come to PP... It's pretty progressive !)

And mr Photographer, your pix are great !!!!
We hope to have a lot for Akphaezya !!!! :rolleyes::oops::cool: