I got the opportunity to see once more a performance spewed out by Amon Amarth. Tis an agonizing shame that Decapitated could not make it, therefore; we had 3 bands (Sonic Syndicate, Himsa and Amon Amarth)
Fortunately I got the opportunity to make a late arrival thus I totally missed out on Sonic Syndicate repulsive cacophony.
The next band is one entitled Himsa, to the endowment of my late arrival I managed to hear only 2 of their lukewarm songs. I do believe that one of them was “Big-Timber”, but I don’t recollect the other secretion. I suppose it was necessary to amalgamate 3 bands that with an obvious penetrated scrutiny do, indeed, represent 3 different genres.
The band that followed was Amon Amarth. I had the pricking honour to be in company with two of my friends. the third friend that should of been alongside refused stating and proclaiming: Amon Amarth was a band with tendencies of selling out to the tele…I had no way to verify such claims since I have no tele that can grant me with countless channels.
Amon Amarth came on stage and the crowd wert in a vigor pulse slam-dancing frenzy. Myself being a fan of Amon Amarth for seven years I could easily identify each of their songs and I do admit that I was in an enraged mode of sorts when they performed one of their worthy tracks: “thousand years of oppression” and “Death in Fire”…amidst their routine they halted for a few minutes to bring back the subject of Vitek’s Death and dedicated “Fates of Norms” to Vitek; such song utterly demonstrated a relation to the conversation. And these Buggers kept the Metal Spirit alive! By smashing and bashing on Christendom! (I took notice that the new fans were in awe) I was much pelted with sigh when I realized that they did an exact “90 minute performance” could it be that the Avalon (venue) had forbidden them to carry an encore?
In my pre-meditated determination I rank this band to be worthy; despite them being out to an exposure of vast proportions. It’s a shame that record labels are conjoining bands to tour with distinct genres just for the potential of an elevated revenue…The next time Amon Amarth goes on tour, it would please me, to see them tour with more masculine oriented metal such as: Impaled Nazarene, Vader, Carpathian Forest, and King Diamond, but I digress.
Rock and Roll~
Fortunately I got the opportunity to make a late arrival thus I totally missed out on Sonic Syndicate repulsive cacophony.
The next band is one entitled Himsa, to the endowment of my late arrival I managed to hear only 2 of their lukewarm songs. I do believe that one of them was “Big-Timber”, but I don’t recollect the other secretion. I suppose it was necessary to amalgamate 3 bands that with an obvious penetrated scrutiny do, indeed, represent 3 different genres.
The band that followed was Amon Amarth. I had the pricking honour to be in company with two of my friends. the third friend that should of been alongside refused stating and proclaiming: Amon Amarth was a band with tendencies of selling out to the tele…I had no way to verify such claims since I have no tele that can grant me with countless channels.
Amon Amarth came on stage and the crowd wert in a vigor pulse slam-dancing frenzy. Myself being a fan of Amon Amarth for seven years I could easily identify each of their songs and I do admit that I was in an enraged mode of sorts when they performed one of their worthy tracks: “thousand years of oppression” and “Death in Fire”…amidst their routine they halted for a few minutes to bring back the subject of Vitek’s Death and dedicated “Fates of Norms” to Vitek; such song utterly demonstrated a relation to the conversation. And these Buggers kept the Metal Spirit alive! By smashing and bashing on Christendom! (I took notice that the new fans were in awe) I was much pelted with sigh when I realized that they did an exact “90 minute performance” could it be that the Avalon (venue) had forbidden them to carry an encore?
In my pre-meditated determination I rank this band to be worthy; despite them being out to an exposure of vast proportions. It’s a shame that record labels are conjoining bands to tour with distinct genres just for the potential of an elevated revenue…The next time Amon Amarth goes on tour, it would please me, to see them tour with more masculine oriented metal such as: Impaled Nazarene, Vader, Carpathian Forest, and King Diamond, but I digress.
Rock and Roll~
