Conference Championships

Tampa Bay at Philadelphia-->Tampa Bay (:u-huh: )
Tennessee at Oakland------>Oakland

I am picking by preference of who I'd like to win more than who I think will win this time.

Sorry about Pittsburgh Ec. It sucks that they lost the game without getting the ball in O.T. Maybe they'll finally get around to changing overtime rules to something other than first score wins.
It was a sorry ass ending to an otherwise good game.

The Raiders had better play their best for 4 quarters against the Titans.

I like your idea Constantine.:cool:
Thanks Mr.Hyde, it was a gut-wrenching end to the season. :( But all else aside, for whatever reason the Steelers defense just collapsed this year. Match our defense last year with our offense this year and we'd have won going away. Maybe htey can get it done in the off-season. :confused: Also, having said that, the ref that called that penalty should be sent back to ref pee-wee games. That was ridiculous judgement on his part to make that call at that time. I was also miffed that Tenn. was never called for holding the entire game. So, they don't see one single holding call on Tenn (I saw several blatant ones), but yet they call an extremely marginal running into the kicker call to decide the game? Ridiculous. Oh, and then Tenn's kicker admits to acting after the game..... :rolleyes: Well, like I said though, if the Steelers had played defense the way they are (usually) capable of, none of that would've mattered.

Anyway, here's my picks.....

Conference Championships
Sunday, Jan. 19
Tampa Bay at Philadelphia, 3:00 pm on FOX ----->Philadelphia
Tennessee at Oakland, 6:30 pm on CBS ---------->Oakland

I think I'll be rooting for Philly now. They deserve it and after all they're from Pennsylvania too! :rock:

P.S. Constantine, that sounds like a good idea to me for the Super Bowl. :cool: And thanks again for looking after our scores all year, it's been fun!
RAIDERS!!!! :p

It should be a good game. Best offense against best defense.
I definitely want the Raiders to win. I'd also like for Tampa to have a championship but not at the expense of a Raiders loss.

Ec maybe you could hate Tampa more because they beat Phily and you could like the Raiders more because they beat the Titans who...well...helped cause this to be a less than desirable Super Bowl for you? Maybe? Hmm...? Go Raiders...can I hear it? :lol:
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde
RAIDERS!!!!Go Raiders...can I hear it? :lol:

No. :yuk: ;)

I have always and will always hate Al Davis. If that clown never won another game It'd still be better than he deserves. Jerry Rice, as much as I respect him, doesn't need another ring or any more friggin' attention. Any organization that's still whining and crying about things that happened 30 years ago ought to be ashamed of themselves. :rolleyes: I am however glad that Tim Brown is getting his shot. He deserves it. :cool: I dread to think what's gonna happen out in California if/when the Raiders win. That alone is reason to hope that they lose, just to prevent the inevitable violence and riots by the "Raider Nation". :rolleyes:

As for Tampa, I just don't like the vast majority of thier players. Sapp is a dirty, loudmouth, overrated tub of lard who should've been suspended two or three times this season. Not the least of which was his attempted roll onto the back of Tommy Maddox's knees in a Monday Night game that Sapp started with trash talking antics and ended with him getting his fat ass handed to him all game long. Sapp figured that since he couldn't get within a mile of Maddox during the play, he'd try to roll up on him after it. If this were old school football, someone would've been taking him to the mat for that, but since the NFL has had a zero tolerance rule for fighting players like Sapp can grandstand and get away with it. (One of the reasons I fully support fighting in ALL sports) ;) Sapp's biggest talent is gathering microphones to him while he's talkin' loud and saying nothing. Brooks, Barber, and Lynch all just mimic Sapp. I won't even talk about Keyshawn "Jus' gimme the damn ball" Johnson. I think his idiocy speaks for itself. Then they hired "Game Face" Gruden. I respect him as a coach, but his "Chucky" act is going to his head a bit and he's been acting like a ham about it. It's shameful when a coach is making faces for camera attention during a game. It's not to say that Tampa's not good, they are, but thier loudmouths and thug wanna-bes preclude me from wishing them any success. Besides, it's Tampa...they have to suck by NFL executive mandate, don't they? :p

Well, you can see that...

A. I'm bored with too much time on my hands


B. I really don't find much to like about either of these teams. :(

I think I'll hope that the Super Bowl is cancelled due to inclement weather or something.... :p

I don't have a lot of respect for Sapp or Keyshawn (sp?) either.
I've watched Gruden coach for a long time and I think he has always been a grouchy bastard. :lol: He might be hamming it up for the cameras though. :(
Al Davis has made many an enemy out here with his constant lawsuits against the NFL and moving the team. The Raider nation is full of characters for sure.

I also long for the days of old when players spent more time practicing how to play football than they did thinking up new 1 yard gain on 3rd and 10 celebrations.:lol:
As usually, Mr Hyde with a 100% winning record. Perhaps we should plan a trip to Vegas :lol:
EC with 50%
and I'm happy to say the tradition continues, 0% for me. Man I suck at this.

For the past 14 years, my wife Andrea makes me a big pot of chili for Super Bowl Sunday. Come half time it's time for some
tums.... :hotjump: :hotjump:

Good luck guys

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