configuring Playback devices for recording...?!?!


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
I just realized that if I go into my Windows Sound control panel area, and click Playback Devices, I'm able to switch between 16/24 bit, CD / DVD quality, 44100 and 48000 as well as a few others. Now, I don't have my interface connected right now. I'm curious as to if this will effect my recording quality in any way? Obviously, when the interface is hooked up, I wouldn't be configuring my actual computer speakers. My default setting is as 48000, 16 bit and DVD quality. Is this NOT what I want? Sorry if this seems newb-ish, but I just stumbled across it and was a bit concerned.
Yeah that's what I figured but I didn't have my little Fast Track Pro with me to test it. I thought maybe I was missing something for a while like a newb. Thanks for the help.