Recording Issue


New Metal Member
Feb 16, 2012
Hi there, im new here so im not too sure if im posting in the right place / the right forum for this question or not, apologies if I am, I have a question here that i've been wondering about, it's a recording issue,

My clean input recorded wav file looks like this, (mega clipping)


- ESP LTD - EX-50
- Kerry King 81/85 Active EMG Pickups with PA-2 Booster
(PA-2 Boosting just under half, around 9dB, it's got barely any input with it off)

- Guitar Volume / Tone Knob @ 100%

- Line 6 GX Interface

- Driver Operating at '48000 Hz; 16 Bit'
- (Device allows applications to take control of this setting)
- Default Format (2 Channel, 16 Bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)

- Levels - Digital Audio Interface - 100%
- Balance, 'Send 1 - 100' , 'Send 2 - 100'

- ASIO Settings:

- ASIO Client - (None)
-Default Buffer size: (I set to 256)
-Default Bit Depth: (I set to 32 Bit)

- I have a fairly heavy playing right hand

Image of wave: (Some drop C riffing)


Compared to Image of Killswitch Engage - Rose of Sharyn (DI track)


Not sure what to do here, Has this DI been compressed / edited after it was uploaded? Ive tried playing lighter, sounds crap doesn't make much of a difference, I've tried turning the guitars volume down, end up with no gain/tone, my pickups are set lower than they should be if anything, the neck pickup is ALOT louder than the bridge, which is apparently normal for the KK signature set, Im not sure what I need to do here, Im guessing my guitar input is far too loud for my VST Plugins ?

Any help much appreciated! or if any of the information / settings i've provided above is incorrect please tell me so I can correct it :)

Thank you,

It seems that you're driving the interface too hard in the recording part. I had a similar result many moons ago during my band's demo, when we recorded bass tracks. I accidentally left the gain boost on in the settings from the vocal recordings, and the DI looked like that. Is there a Pad input in the GX? I think those are designed for active pickups, because of the extra gain they put out. If not, try to turn the recording level down on the interface.
It records in 48 Khz 24Bit,

But it's the volume that is the problem, my guitar is clipping, I think my pickups may be too loud ? I don't think you can turn the GX's 'input' level down anywhere,
I went to it's microphone level settings in windows and changed it from '100' to '40' and nothing happened, it doesn't effect it whatsoever, I don't know what to do now, Pod farm offers an option to decrease the level sent to the recording program, (around 6db is good for me) but I don't think it solves the clipping issue, its just quieter with the clipping still there.. so im pretty sure you can't change the input level, line 6 states that it's only made for 'guitar input levels' not amps ect.. so im guessing the emgs with the booster are too loud ? it shouldn't be though.. and I don't want to turn the volume knob on my guitar down it sounds crappy (tone wise) , so I guess my next question is how do you lower the guitars output level, do emgs have a volume control ?
It's about 4 weeks old I think it should be fine, it wasn't a cheap battery either. I did some searching and found out that the KFK EMGs clip before the hit DI box and especially clip with the booster on, The guy quoted ' these beasts will clip on almost everything ' so the volume knob needs to be turned down until it doesn't clip, I guess i'll have to stick with that option, no big deal it just doesn't sound as 'full' he also said the the volume knob alone changes to tone hugely, and has a 'sweet spot' , I'll figure it out, Thanks for the replies guys !
Hi there, im new here so im not too sure if im posting in the right place / the right forum for this question or not, apologies if I am, I have a question here that i've been wondering about, it's a recording issue,

My clean input recorded wav file looks like this, (mega clipping)


- ESP LTD - EX-50
- Kerry King 81/85 Active EMG Pickups with PA-2 Booster
(PA-2 Boosting just under half, around 9dB, it's got barely any input with it off)

- Guitar Volume / Tone Knob @ 100%

- Line 6 GX Interface

- Driver Operating at '48000 Hz; 16 Bit'
- (Device allows applications to take control of this setting)
- Default Format (2 Channel, 16 Bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)

- Levels - Digital Audio Interface - 100%
- Balance, 'Send 1 - 100' , 'Send 2 - 100'

- ASIO Settings:

- ASIO Client - (None)
-Default Buffer size: (I set to 256)
-Default Bit Depth: (I set to 32 Bit)

- I have a fairly heavy playing right hand

I'm not sure exactly what this means, but it sounds to me like you have the volume on the GX turned up too high (100%?).

Turn the little dial on the front down.
The '100%' level is in the pcs gx microphone settings in the sound control panel, the knob on the front is master output volume?

And yeah I guess I could do that, but there isn't enough room left in the cavity for another battery :\

Im pretty sure the problem is the guitar itself is clipping, the pickups have such a high output, by turning the guitars volume down the problem is solved, but the sound is effected
The 81's do clip, well known fact. No other way to fix that other than lowering the volume in the guitar itself. I actually find the clipping to be a desirable thing, as do others. If anything, the 18 volt mod gives you more headroom. Surely you could cram another battery into the cavity? I say that and I can barely fit one into the space in my guitar. :lol: