Congratulations to Valanx!

Paxoman said:
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl. :rock: :rock: :rock:

Look forward to seeing you back on the forum soon mate.

Congratulations Valanx, you stallion! :) And of course to your wife too! A baby girl, wow man, listen to Saxon's Hold on -song from the Dogs of War album and you know what lies ahead in future for you!:lol:

Thanks guys for the nice words, very much much appreciated !!!

Its so amazing being a dad, i never knew the human body could function on such a low ammount of sleep and without alcohol too...It really is an experience!

Seriously though im so proud of her, she is a little Angel. Its great to finally have everything come together nicely without any problems (moving house in the last few weeks and the birth etc. pretty stressfull time)

Ive already got her listening to the right music and she seems to enjoy it nice and loud. Saxon and Priest all the way (only the best for my little girl lol)

Here is one of my favourite pics

Beautiful pic, Valanx.

Keep going with the music approach. My daughter really responded from the first to anything with a solid rhythm section, perhaps because it simulated rhythms she heard pre-birth. She loves Saxon, Priest, Kiss and Therion. Therion was a bit of a surprise 'cos so many adults seem to bottle out there.

Hope it's all going well. It all looks as if Mrs Valanx and yourself have a whole lot to be proud of.

Congrats again.

Thank you Klingonbear!! one thing i used to find amusing (or is that embarassing?) before she was born was that she seemed to kick and bounce around alot when i used to play Lordi...I only play lordi for her not for me!!!

lol I listened to some Therion once.....just the once mind!!!

Also ive tried playing my guitar to her but all that does is wake her up and she doesnt look happy...Maybe she is trying to tell me something!

Yeah she is gorgeous Sammi, were very lucky in the fact that she has her mothers looks and not mine i think lol, id like to say that she did the 'metal sign' all on her own and i didnt just put her hand like that while she was sleeping....But i cant lie !! Id been trying to get that pic for days after she was born lol, I cheated :)
valanx said:
id like to say that she did the 'metal sign' all on her own and i didnt just put her hand like that while she was sleeping....But i cant lie !! Id been trying to get that pic for days after she was born lol, I cheated :)

Yeah, I did spot someone's fingers at the bottom of the pic, and suspected that all was not as it seemed! lol I have a pic of my son when he was a few months old with just his middle finger pointing out - and no, it wasn't set up...he must have been feeling pissed off with having a camera in his face all the time!! :lol:
Sammi951 said:
Yeah, I did spot someone's fingers at the bottom of the pic, and suspected that all was not as it seemed! lol I have a pic of my son when he was a few months old with just his middle finger pointing out - and no, it wasn't set up...he must have been feeling pissed off with having a camera in his face all the time!! :lol:

Yeah i can well believe that, i got the middle finger the day after she was born while i was holding her in the hospital..I think she had quickly realised that i was not the one who could provide her with her dinner :)
Congrats to you and mrs valanx.Hope you are all well.I know how you are feeling.My kids are 2 and 4 and the way you feel now never really goes away.

I hope your looking after mrs v.I bet she has her work cut out now looking after 2 kids:lol: .Seeing the picture of your daughter(beutiful by the way),is making want to dig out pictures of mini wilks's.

Congrats again mate.
Yeah shes a mighty mini metalhead in the making alright, she fell asleep before to some machine head (i think thats a good thing?)

My wife is pretty burned out, the birth was a little traumatic (understatement) so im doing as much as i can but its the feeding that is really tiring her and thats the only thing i cant help with. But to be honest we have never been so happy (or tired) it is an amazing feeling!

Thanks again to you all for the all the kind words and congrats etc. And thanks to Paxo for starting the thread..

Il save this page and show it to her one day :kickass:

I think a thread of pics of our little metalhead kids might be a good idea actually!!
Heres another picture, hope you like it !


heavycelli said:
Congratulations Valanx, you stallion! And of course to your wife too! A baby girl, wow man, listen to Saxon's Hold on -song from the Dogs of War album and you know what lies ahead in future for you!

Thats the next song on my playlist mate :-)
Lovely pic, she looks like an angel :) How much did she weigh when she was born? Were you at the birth? I know all about how tiring (and painful!) the feeding can be - my son was hungry ALL THE TIME!! Come to think of it, he hasn't changed, he's 13 now and can still eat like a horse! Luckily, I'm no longer breast feeding him!! :lol: :lol:

She was born wednesday the 9th at 11:16 and she weighed 6.2lbs. We named Her Jessica and her middle names are Angel and Star. My wife Julie had to be induced as she was actually due on the 29th of July so we had to be at the hospital at 8:30 that morning, it was a very long day!! I nipped home at about 4pm and at 7 i was phoned and asked to come back, when i got to the hospital it was just in time for things to kick off.

Seeing my wife in so much pain that first hour was very distressing for me, i dont think i have ever felt so helpless and Julie would not use the gas and air thing because it made her feel sick/dizzy etc.

When she went into the proper labour (as it were) she was so brave and strong i was amazed by her, she had no pain relief at all because everything came on so quickly.

I watched my little girl come into the world and i cut the cord, and within minutes i was holding her. It really was the most amazing experience of my life seeing my daughter being born and seeing everything Julie went through to bring her here.

Then i went home and got totally shitfaced :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: