Congress tries to stop the North American Union

There's a new book out with a novel solution to the illegal immigration problem:

Annex Mexico.

It suggests this because 40% of Mexicans want to leave their wretched country and move here. So, why not take over their homeland instead?

The idea is that the sort of political and economic reforms and investments from the richer old states of the union would benefits the poor new Mexican states.

Of course, we average thinking folk know why this is a seriously fucked up idea.

1. Like the brothas in the old south in the 1960s, all the poor-ass esses would move north to take advantage of the welfare benefits of the cities, and there wouldn't be any threat from Border control to stop em.

2. Like the old south, the 1% oligarchs who rule 99% of Mexico's wealth would continue to do so, keeping whoever's still around in deep poverty. What, does annexation by the US mean the oligarchs would have to surrender their wealth?!

3. East Germany. I mean, do I need to recount to history how much it cost? And its still backward and fucked up to this day. That lesson wasn't lost on the South Koreans. They know, if Korea is unified, their nice lifestyle's going right down the shitter in order to bring their starving Northern brothers up to speed.

4. All the dirt-poor swine south of Chiapas will fight like rapid dogs to get into the new United States. Mexico uses the Army, land mines, and machine guns to keep the Guatemalans on the other side of the border. They don't want any of those even poorer and filthier mayans from dragging Mexico's economy down. So, there'd always be an illegal immigrant problem.

5. Might as well legalise crack cocaine and murder, too. That'll clear out our prisons and make our parks a nice place to visit. Kind've like in Zurich!
