Consider a move to Sweden!

I still can't find out what the market rate for a studio-1 bedroom is Stockholm is. every time I look it up, I'm always taken to these hotels that charge 1500-2000 USD a month for a studio. The only time I ever have, or ever would, pay that much for a small apartment, is in Manhattan
That doesn't really surprise me. Sweden has a welfare economy, so although you may think it's cool (actually I think it's a fucking travesty), he probably doesn't get very much. There's a reason you pay 50% taxes in Sweden, and everyone who pays those taxes will pay a few pennies more because this fuckstain is simply the stereotypical lazy, dumbass metalhead, giving the rest of us a bad name.

Fuck him.
That doesn't really surprise me. Sweden has a welfare economy, so although you may think it's cool (actually I think it's a fucking travesty), he probably doesn't get very much. There's a reason you pay 50% taxes in Sweden, and everyone who pays those taxes will pay a few pennies more because this fuckstain is simply the stereotypical lazy, dumbass metalhead, giving the rest of us a bad name.

Fuck him.

For all the bitter, bitching and lengthy posts you make (no offence), I have tae agree here!
When it comes to living, Norway beats Sweden, sadly. I don't know which is better; you can't ask anyone from either country.
For all the bitter, bitching and lengthy posts you make (no offence), I have tae agree here!

I'm glad someone noticed I'm bitter. The problem is, I don't know what I'm bitter about, specifically. Lots of small things piss me off; stupid drivers, idiot bosses, hot weather, etc., but there isn't anything specifically that really gets my goat more than anything else. I mean, how many of you can relate to the aforementioned bullshit that pisses everyone off?

My life fucking rules and I'm a really happy person, but I'm just extremely annoyed with society sometimes. Maybe it's the direction I see humanity taking.

I guess it's better to get my aggression out on here than going up on some bell tower and shooting everyone.
Now there's a dude that should be brought out in public and endure a whole lot of disgrazing acts, and then be shot in the head with a shotgun. What a disgraze. Talk about work moral. "if I don't get time off to see a concert I'll just skip work", and the guy is 42?! Sickening.

On a side note. Where did you get 50% tax from? We pay around 30%, I personally pay 32-33%.
Now there's a dude that should be brought out in public and endure a whole lot of disgrazing acts, and then be shot in the head with a shotgun. What a disgraze. Talk about work moral. "if I don't get time off to see a concert I'll just skip work", and the guy is 42?! Sickening.

On a side note. Where did you get 50% tax from? We pay around 30%, I personally pay 32-33%.
What is really sad is that after you pay your income-tax you actually have to tax even more when you buy something. Wtf. And I don't say it is only Sweden that has this kinda system, Hungary adapted that too for instance, exactly because they thought it works soo fine here...... Oh, yeah, and fuck progressive taxes too! From a part of my salary I actually pay almost 50% because I have a salary over a certain level. How's that??
it would be better if you just get your salary and they dont speak about the taxes :p

i seriously would get angry if they took that kind of money from me
Well, I do get angry everytime I get the papers about the salary I made and the money I should have gotten.....
Yeah, well. I'm kinda born into this system you know :p To me it's just logical that you pay your 30% tax on your salary and then 25% tax on the stuff you buy. Remember, you don't have to pay to get a doctor's degree here etc.
There are other countries where you don't have to pay to get a doctor's degree...

And just because you are born into the system you shouldn't think it is logical to pay tax on your salary and then tons of money again when you buy something. Especially because you don't get sh.t back compared to what taxpayers had in the 60's for instance.
yeah well. of course I shouldn't accept it just 'cause I'm raised in that society. But on this subject I just accept it. Never really think about it. We'd loose billions if we removed the tax from the stuff we buy, companies would collapse.
Nah, come on. The US would collapse if consumers got smart and stopped buying on a whim, thus reducing sales revenue, but I think you guys would be ok. We're built on people buying things blindly.