Controversial Opinions on Life

The "99%" probably mostly deserve their position in the lower realms of American society. In my personal experience, society progresses due to a small minority of independent thinkers and the rest only serve to maintain it through routine tasks. Even there, you see the people that brag about posting on internet forums at work, and they're the first ones laid off. Not to say that everyone suffering in a bad economy deserves it, but a lot of them *are* inferior beings. And at college it just becomes ridiculous with the amount of people whose entire goal is to stay consistently around the 51st percentile, where any time spent studying when they could have made a passing grade was potential party time wasted. Middle-class white people are particularly bad when it comes to this. The more illegal immigrants taking their jobs the better as far as I am concerned.

Also I still fully endorse this except to say that I was being too polite when I posted it. It will be a glorious period when man re-embraces eugenics.