Converge - Axe to fall - Guitaresound


May 24, 2009
I love the new Converge record and for sure the guitaresound. It´s not that kind of hyper, fat metal guitaresound.
Does anybody know specifics about the equipment Kurt Ballou use??

And ;-)
Some advice how I can realize that kind of sound with VSTi ( like Revalver, GuitareRig ) and some IRs??
Alright friends!!! ;-)

Hey darthjujuu,
have checked your myspacesite. Good work. Like your sound!!
love Kurts work.
He mixed an album i worked on , and my first impression upon hearing the final mix, after being very intimate with the source material was
he's awesome
i have it julian, but im on holiday so i dont have t on the laptop
i know a few peeps on here have it
great article, dudes got good ideals. seems to rely on his gut instinct more than graphs and numbers, i dig this
+1000, bass tone plays a massive part in the way the guitars come across in all of Converge's stuff.

Kurt's stuff is great, total opposite end of the spectrum from the modern metal production stuff and it's always awesome to listen to. Everything just sounds so real!

yes indeedy!
more the avenue I'm going down these days.
So many people have the polished metal production thing down now, gotta stand out somehow!
Those Badcat heads behind him have seriously been one of the single best amps I have ever heard in a live performance.

I wish people went to get a more organic sound like he does and apply that to their own mixes instead of an over-processed one. It seems like that would take much more talent from the band and know-how from the engineer to get it all so polished too. Huge props.

I dig Kris Crummet's work as well and Jessie Karr and Stuart McKillop over at Rain City... Jocko at More Sound is one of my favorite

I hope some day I can be able to do work similar to these fellows
I'm pretty much down with Greyskull, also kinda had it with modern metal productions, i kinda lost the joy in that, so kinda moved from the Andy's/Tue's of this world as an influence to the Steve Albini, Kurt Ballou, Magnus Lindberg, Sanford Parker kinda vibe :)
More rooms, more amps, doing more when actually recording instead of setting up 1 5150 and a tubescreamer be done with it hehe

It seems like that would take much more talent from the band and know-how from the engineer to get it all so polished too. Huge props.

Actually recording it well and having it sound exciting enough without needing a shitton of processing after to do that for them ;)
yeah. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Andys work and think he's a genius and the king of what he does, but i don't really listen to that sort of music much, I still use a lot of the concepts he discussed on this forum, but approached a very different way.
I still get asked to do the uber polished production for more Rock stuff, and I'm cool with that; But I'm taking a lot of joy in trying to carve my own niche and trying to stand out sonically. Don't get me wrong, I'm not deliberately making things sound shit, it very different to that!
But stuff like building the drums from the room mics down as opposed to the kick drum up are really wierd but kinda cool ways to approach things!
Doesn't hurt to mix it up a bit!

Last thing I recorded that Im finishing up now is for an awesome pretty well known Uk hardcore band.
Drums were recorded onto this....

Same machine Kurt Ballou has I believe.

I should Probably start a new thread about that though!