Converge - Axe to fall - Guitaresound

wow i'd never listened to anything really like this before. Kick ass, I like it.

But i will back up the idea that there's no way this is ever gonna come from VSTs. This is ALL about driving tubes and analogue gear out of it's comfort zone.

edit: is it odd that i'm getting a big black metal vibe from this? Reminds me of mayhem but better
wow i'd never listened to anything really like this before. Kick ass, I like it.

But i will back up the idea that there's no way this is ever gonna come from VSTs. This is ALL about driving tubes and analogue gear out of it's comfort zone.

edit: is it odd that i'm getting a big black metal vibe from this? Reminds me of mayhem but better

Hey skeksis268,
any advice what kind of outboard gear is a musthave to start with an improvement of analogue gear??

Some Compressors, Distressor, Fatso etc.? Or some analog summing stuff??
Even though I've been into converge since Caring and Killing came out (even met Kurt like eleven years ago fml), I've really enjoyed his production work only in the last five/six years or so. I think he vastly improved his mixes in the recent years.
I'm not a huge fan of Jane Doe's production for example (I know, I know...).
On the other hand Lewd Acts, The Hope Conspiracy, Disfear, Kvelertak and the three last Converge albums are all fantastic piece of work in their own way.
And I too am growing tired of super processed/polished productions. It takes away my enjoyment of the music in the long run.
i don't think kurt produced jane doe, but i could be wrong. before i knew anything about engineering, the sound of that album blew me away. now that i'm an engineer, there's a few things i would change. just goes to show how much a scrutinizing ear makes you hear something completely different =/