Converge - You Fail Me

Surprisingly, I've never been able to get into this band (kinda like DEP). I have some of their albums in hopes they will connect with me one day. I'll probably end up getting this one day, though.

I just like the "slower" stuff like Kiss It Goodbye or Botch or even TitD over the frantic nutso hyperspeed stuff like DEP or Converge.
Yea, its is original, I'll give him that. Sometimes the high pitched/hardcore vocal parts I just cant help but laugh though. It sounds more over the top live than on Jane Doe.
this one is a lot less ferocious than jane doe, and some of the songs are actually kinda boring. ive only listened to it like once so it might grow on me. you'll probably like it more since you're generally more into this genre...the new mastodon is way better.