Converting 48khz to 44,1khhz

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm in kind of a dilemma here. I'm having this guy doing a solo for me and converted my project from 44100 to 48000 hz. He then recorded everything and now I have a solo that is 48000 hz that doesn't fit the project in time or in pitch.

Any tips on how to convert these files AND changing the pitch and speed.

Logic is to good and changes sample rate without changing pitch. But that's what I want!!!
Ah, then Sample Manager will deal with it just fine. I recently mixed a project where the files (per song) were in three different formats, three different sample rates and three different bit depths, all mixed together, and Sample Manager's batch convert fixed it. Nowadays I use Wavelab for all converting duties.
but what the hell I convert from 48khz to 44,1khz and the file gets longer and lower pitch? Am I thinking backwards?

I you're reading a 48khz file in a 44khz project it will alter the pitch and the duration.
If you convert the file then read it your 44khz project, you'll be fine.
Just load the solo on logic. and bounce it or export it to a wavfile of 44.1 then load it in the project. btw try to play with differant deither types to get the best resaults
Mismatched sample rates have never been a problem with me, perhaps I've never run into a file of this type?

If you get an external converter that doesn't auto-switch sample rates to match the project you will. Anything that has sample rate switches on them can potentially cause problems.

My friend got the SSL converter and often switches 44 and 48khz between sessions but forgets to switch both the converter and pro tools to the same.
It's stupid that it record and play fine within that session but fucked if you try to take it anywhere else.