Convicted Child Molster "Too Short" for Prison

eighteeschick said:
I know that serial rapists exists. You said that molestation wasn't as bad as murder or rape. I was trying to point out that it is possible for a person to be convicted of rape and never do it again (i.e. being at a party, girl liquored up, things get out of hand, you end up in court and convicted - I'm not arguing whether its right or wrong, just saying it happens). So you can be convicted of murder or rape and never do it again. There is an excellent chance that this guy will be convicted again in the next 10 years of molestation because once a child molestor, always a child molestor.

As for what happens to him in jail - why should I give a fuck? Did he think about what consquences would occur once he molested the child? I don't think so. Did he care that his act, even if it happened only once, might scar this child, leaving him or her untrustworthy of adults or affect future relationships? No, he didn't. If he cares so much about not getting killed in jail, I have an idea. DON'T COMMIT A CRIME. I don't want to go to jail so you know what, I'm not a fucking criminal. Not that hard.

Agreed, nobody walks off being molested as a child.