Cool Forum Improvement Ideas

Kaleb Formz

Aug 27, 2013
Been thinking lately, This forum as well as many others have been out for a while! They're pretty awesome but there have been times where I feel like there could be some enhancements. What do you think could be improved with the forum? If any

I'll go first :D

I love reading everything here don't get me wrong but sometimes I wish I could just hear it. Not to be lazy or anything but after being on a session for 4 hours if I have a question/Need some info It would be really cool to not have to keep my eyes on the comp so much. Especially me the contrast really gets to my eyes sometimes. Though we could just record a quick response verbally and upload it here; I feel like it would be really cool if we had an integrated quick record/Response widget/Icon and people would just have to click play and hear it.
I think It would promote way more feedback out of convince and keep discussions longer and more information filled because of the ease!

How bout you?
After a day of listening intently for tracking/editing/mixing, the last thing I want to do is listen more.

Thanks for sharing. To each his own I still prefer the idea, I think very quick or short length snippets of audio would really be a cool improvement. Anyway I don't get ear fatigue just by listening to shit for a while, I listen to shit all day my ears don't turn off. I think an un-Eqed short snippet of a probably deep voice
would be soothing to me after long sessions of mixing and clashing frequency's.
I have the same Eye contrast problem think I have astigmatism I don't know but definitely a cool idea. Thought about that actually the other day :p

I think a thread & comment rating system would be a nice idea. I think there are certain people here we all know to be very knowledgeable and helpful. I feel like some newbies might search a thread come across an amazing piece of info from a well respected senior member and overlook it like "ehh maybe" cause he/She is new. Likewise if there are similar threads on a subject and one is a lot more useful it would be cool to rate it and see it come up as the first thread in a search. Who knows maybe if people felt like they'd get a thumbs up or whatever it might slightly lessen the tide of certain people posting unnecessary or irrelevant comments outside of the Bar.
After a day of listening intently for tracking/editing/mixing, the last thing I want to do is listen more.

hahaha +1

Yeah hearing aid in all its glory but yeah after 8h of deathmetal i'd prefer my home silent.


A thumbs up or down is nice feature that will make the threads more active although you might not have anything new to add to the thread.
I think a thread & comment rating system would be a nice idea. I think there are certain people here we all know to be very knowledgeable and helpful. I feel like some newbies might search a thread come across an amazing piece of info from a well respected senior member and overlook it like "ehh maybe" cause he/She is new.

Nimvi likes this
Dont forget that this is a sub forum on ultimate metal.
You'd have to change the entire architecture of the "mother forum" to implement changes like this....
And one just has to take a look at places like HCAF to see how that can turn out.
I think a thread & comment rating system would be a nice idea. I think there are certain people here we all know to be very knowledgeable and helpful. I feel like some newbies might search a thread come across an amazing piece of info from a well respected senior member and overlook it like "ehh maybe" cause he/She is new. Likewise if there are similar threads on a subject and one is a lot more useful it would be cool to rate it and see it come up as the first thread in a search. Who knows maybe if people felt like they'd get a thumbs up or whatever it might slightly lessen the tide of certain people posting unnecessary or irrelevant comments outside of the Bar.

AFAIK the 'rate thread' function is already in place. Look it up on the top right corner.

If you are new you should read, not expect others to tell you what to like/dislike. Rating comments 'outside of the bar' and catering to 'a well respected senior member' sounds a lot like what Lasse mentions (HCAF).