Who would you hang out with on this forum?

If I ever win the lotto, I'm having a sneap forum party and we'll all see Gojira at their next show (I think JUST ABOUT EVERYONE on this forum likes Gojira).
Jesus... who the fuck ARE half these people? This place has turned over entirely from what it used to be.
Side note: I may wind up in another city for graduate school-related reasons... Houston is a likely pick, and I know I'll be visiting there shortly, so Houstonians (Houstoners? Houstonites? Whatthefuckever...) send me a PM with contact information and we'll drink and tell horror stories and have a sleepover without telling our parents that we'll be up all night playing Spin The Hooker Who's In Way Over Her Head And Probably Will Be Considering Career Changes Tomorrow and eating junk food.

who said BBQ? I´ve been hosting bbqs and hangouts at home ever since my parents left for spain, who´s in? a quick plane trip and you could all stay at my place, I have two empty bedrooms where easily six could stay, and 4 more in the living room, you name it

I did. But you got to get cher ass over here so I can make you the best fucking steak of your life, beer battered potatoes (I like harp for this), and some killer fucking salad.

Like I said BBQ, fuck yeah I can do that with anyone.
im a nobody but i reckon meeting up with the sneapsters will be quite the experience. As long no one plays the soggy biscuit game.
Btw what happened to x-rated dodo? been awhile since i saw him posting.
anyone period
Why should I not hang with anyone? do you think there are any assholes?

Maybe there are some around here who just really stick out as the type others want to have a few large beers with. I'm not sure how exactly the whole 'playing favorites' thing should work, but sometimes people do silly things that don't make a great deal of sense. Anyone who survives for more than a few minutes around here tends to be fine by me.

COMPLETELY VAIN AND SILLY ATTEMPT AT RESPONDING TO POSTS CONTAINING SOMETHING RESEMBLING MY NAME WARNING: (If I've gotten someone else's name mixed up with my own... oh, well, I owe plenty of people here a few beers already, add yourself to the list if something goes wrong.)

Erkan, Marcus, Lasse, Ryan, Owen, Jonas, Sickan, Calle, Ed, JB, James, Nectar And Fuel....
the list goes on

Oh, but I do have to say - I would love to meet the man behind the internet legend that is JBroll

Oh, but I do have to say - I would love to meet the man behind the internet legend that is JBroll


If you guys are ever anywhere near San Antonio or Austin, or I prove a theorem that doesn't suck and get to go on a sufficiently large speaking tour to be in your general areas, give me a call. (All who care... PM me for a cell number if you'd like... )

He touched me when we went to the hookah bar last time

Yeah, we need to go back to a hookah bar at some point. (Apparently I also need to tip the bartender a bit more so that you don't remember what happens the next morning.)

I'm pretty fortunate to have already hung out with Jbroll and Jeff Dunne. Both cool people in real life, and both exactly what I expected haha. It was a good time touring with Misha (bulb) too. Great times all around. I'd like to hang out with anyone that wants to fuckin thrash.

You put on a solid show, and it looks like we both had a pretty good time. (I did pay you back for the ticket, right?)

Anyone really to begin with. Internet personae only tell so much about the real persons behind them.

I'd bet that some of the cockiest mofos on here are nice, humble boys IRL.

Somehow I've become a legend in the minds of a few people here, and I hope to live up to that. It's always a relief to deal with people who have seen my bizarre online antics and don't get the impression that I'm an obnoxious cuntstuffer with an ego problem, so if I come across as cocky (read: if air is breathable... oops) I guess we'll find out.

[something that doesn't mention me explicitly - shame on you!]

You, in particular, have the distinction of (as I've probably mentioned before) being the youngest 'old guy' I've ever communicated with. Since I already yell at kids to get off my lawn - despite living in an apartment complex, and thus having no lawn of my own - I'll have to run into you someday.

I know I've met (arranged in roughly chronological order) Chuck/scorpio01169, Mike/006, Egan/egan., Ken/sorceron (seriously, that is an awesome name if there ever was one - you're right up there with Horatio Scott Macdonald Coxeter and my imaginary doppelganger Chesty McCopulaterton, Royal Fellow of Tittyfuckers, Duke of Mammaria), Tony/Chryst Krispies, and probably a few others that I would easily remember without the influence of fine Polish vodka, and so far *none of you have stabbed me in the spleen*, which is FUCKING AWESOME. On top of that, there's the usual forum and Facebook nonsense, and I can't think of a single person on here that I wouldn't want to at least have a drink or two with - since this seems to be a sentiment shared by most people here, I guess we're all doing something right.

I'd be hanging out with Ryan, Daniel, Gareth, Anssi, Greg, Ola, Hannes, Erik, Marcus (if he promises he won't play Holy Diver), Shreddy...the list goes on. Beer and burgers all around.

See, me and you meeting would be cool because we could play doom shit through really loud speakers and yell "ZALGO, HE COMES" at passersby and begin bleeding from our eye sockets.
You, in particular, have the distinction of (as I've probably mentioned before) being the youngest 'old guy' I've ever communicated with. Since I already yell at kids to get off my lawn - despite living in an apartment complex, and thus having no lawn of my own - I'll have to run into you someday.

Haha, thank you, i think! :lol:
If you're ever in Sweden, i'l buy you a beer! :)
.. and if i ever can save up enough money to do my trip to America that i want to, i will do my best to stop by as many Sneapsters as possible on the way(Texas->Washington along the coast.)!

Oh, and i will have to ad "or just about anybody" to my answer as well, because most of you guys on this forum are awesome! :kickass: