Cool New Band... Scenery Channel!

heh... or the Weather Channel... I have my own Scenery Channel... it's called the window, and I can see hot chicks laying by the pool. ;)
booB said:
heh... or the Weather Channel... I have my own Scenery Channel... it's called the window, and I can see hot chicks laying by the pool. ;)

Lol... my apartment is very decent, but the one thing I always wished is to live in one of those "Melrose Place" type apartments-around-a-pool. That would probably make for much better scenery than the trees and stupid little kids that I typically see from my windows. And when I say stupid, I don't mean all kids are stupid, but the ones who live in my apartment complex must be. They must come home from school on the short bus. These are some stupid, stupid kids.

But I digress... "Scenery Channel"? This, along with the Italian power metal band "Listeria", just might be proof that all the good band names have finally been taken. :danceboy:
heh... Listeria is a genus of bacteria that is found as a food contaminant, and can give you bad gastrointestinal problems and other things. They might as well have named their band "E. coli".
Inactive Messiah is a pretty bad name too. I can just imagine their logo being Jesus watching tv on the couch.