Cool review (in Dutch)

Toen de Latin invloeden ten gehore kwamen begonnen 2 fans samen zelfs klassiek te dansen in het publiek (heel eventjes maar gelukkig, want het waren 2 mannen).


To translate: [talking about Akphaezya] "when the latin influences were heard 2 fans started ballroom dancing together in the audience (fortunately just for a while, cos they were 2 men)"

That was me and Kalle! lol
i used google translator on it and seemed like pretty good review, but some of it didn't translate well. What the hell was the bit about my pants???
Haaa i did run back to the castle with them half down, but lets not speak of that :)
I thought the drummer wanted to strip and the keyboardist fell asleep with his pants on his ankles.

Cello, clarification please :)

Thats it, though Jana was the one that told me about the keyboard player :p And the drummer did actually drop his pants at some point in our room, with the lights off though :p