Coolest guy @ PPV......


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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My vote guys for Sean, The Q. Sean created a cool pre-preparty meet and greet with plenty of freebie discs and stuff. Ivan dampered it a little bit, but we still had a good time !! The only person I saw at "every" place in the area more than Sean was Urban Breed. Sean was everywhere !!! Keep that health up buddy because I can't wait to give you a noogie at PPVI !!!!!
Maybe next time you can sponsor a "real" band instead of that sorry-ass Tad Morose.... :loco: What a bunch of lamers !!! Riiiiiiight !!! You rock my friend !!

Sean was definitely very cool... but I have to throw in a couple of others... we can call them "honorable mentions." :)

My buddy, Bryant, for being the life of the party even when he wasn't trying.
The guy who handed me back Doc Wacholz's drumstick after someone else grabbed it from me... you really made my night.
My buddy, Mike "Jack Daniels" Clark, for grabbing setlists for people even when he's working his butt off.

And, really, this is only the cream of the crop, since 99% of the folks at ProgPower are so very cool.
Glenn- of course, for this wonderful festival.
Bryant for making me laugh my ass off.
Tony for inviting me to dinner with Adagio.
Bear for hanging out with me.
Brent - for understanding ;)
The one guy I was doing death metal growls with
Sh0kr0k's boyfriend- WYOMING baby.
Evil, for being so cool and loving
Terry for telling me I looked very "Metal"
The guy behind me who saw that Doc's drumstick fell out of my hand and let me have it. (Shaye was it the same guy?)
Norm for walking a mile with me in the middle of downtown just for shits and grins.
And even though he wasn't there, my son Joey Sky, for letting his mom be a rock star every once in a while.

And everyone else who made my weekend so memorable. I'm sure I'll be adding more

Bryant and Shaye, Wow!!! I am so speechless!! Thank you so much. I think very highly of the both of you. I started my dialysis today and was feeling bad until I read that post. You can definitely give me a noogie next year if you can catch me. Shaye will you marry me? LOL. YOU GUYS SO RULE!
BTW as you can see I changed my handle. I forgot my The_Q password and am STILL waiting for the e-mail so I can change it.
Out of the band members I met, easily Gus from Adagio. Besides him, theres my friend Ernie (the hat!!), Evil, John, Brian...but I did know all those guys already. The coolest guy I met for the first time at Progpower (technically not PP, but the Edguy show in nYC) was Milton (AngraRULES).
Actually all the men deserve a hand for being just great guys. Everyone is always respectful and well behaved. I can honestly say that Progpower is the only concert that I've ever felt safe in the crowd, etc. So kudos to the men!

Sean, you are awesome because I know there were times when you were suffering with a headache and stuff and you were always there to talk with people and stuff. You rock!
Magistral for letting me Ride with them
Bobby & Kelly(Outworld)-For letting me crash on their couch.

Famous People :D :
Urban (TM)
Doc Wacholz-for eating breakfast with me & Sean
Glenn & Casey (Kamelot)
Into Eternity

And a big thanks to Glenn for creating Progpower :headbang:
BABS said:
I can honestly say that Progpower is the only concert that I've ever felt safe in the crowd, etc. So kudos to the men!

You can definitely say that again. I hate going to concerts by myself, because I always feel like I'm a target for ugly drunk single guys. :p Shoots a girl's ego to hell, and makes me feel like holding onto my mace and whappy stick for dear life.

This one, never felt the need to pull it out, with the exception of a few love taps. It was great.
From the bands... Stephan and Gus and all from Adagio, Troy and Rob and all from Into Eternity, Jon Oliva (and his great storytelling skillz), Daniel and PoS, Midnight for the 6am serenade, Tobias from Edguy, Magistral, and many others (the backstage area always has a certain camaraderie....)

From the crew: Glenn of course, Zilla, Smiley, and others.....not least the venue and security people, who are pretty cool to us ProgPower folks...

From the seats: Tony K., Ben "BenMech" Adler, Aki of course, Justin and Tim, Scott "Psychoconductor," RepoMan, Derek T. and the Tennessee posse, Bear (and all the Seismic crew, really), Kyle G., shit the list is endless. It's not so much a concert as the Gathering of the Tribes. :headbang:

(Hmmmm, this topic is kinda, well, kudos and hiya's to MetalRose, Colleen, Teri, Christina, Alina and more :))
Into Eternity were the coolest guys! I have know one of the new members but the rest of the guys are awsome!
MetalRose said:
Glenn- of course, for this wonderful festival.
Bryant for making me laugh my ass off.
Tony for inviting me to dinner with Adagio.
Bear for hanging out with me.
Brent - for understanding ;)
The one guy I was doing death metal growls with
Sh0kr0k's boyfriend- WYOMING baby.
Evil, for being so cool and loving
Terry for telling me I looked very "Metal"
The guy behind me who saw that Doc's drumstick fell out of my hand and let me have it. (Shaye was it the same guy?)
Norm for walking a mile with me in the middle of downtown just for shits and grins.
And even though he wasn't there, my son Joey Sky, for letting his mom be a rock star every once in a while.

And everyone else who made my weekend so memorable. I'm sure I'll be adding more

gonna ruin my rep .... <img>
SilentButDeadly said:
Bryant and Shaye, Wow!!! I am so speechless!! Thank you so much. I think very highly of the both of you. I started my dialysis today and was feeling bad until I read that post. You can definitely give me a noogie next year if you can catch me. Shaye will you marry me? LOL. YOU GUYS SO RULE!

Keep that health up buddy cause you got a noog coming at PPVI !!

I am going to say Sean is my favorite of new people met. Also Bryant and his wife, Rakosh and his friends,
Peter from Tad Morose, Bear, and even people that were so nice to me but I did not catch their names.

And of course people that I can't wait to see each year: Mike the cop, Francisco, Aaron, Kathy, Jim, Raven,
Adrian, Derek, Jason from Philly, Mike Clark, and Chuck - all of you guys rule.