
Batman will win for the following reasons :D

Those not wishing to be nerded out by my comic book knowledge, please turn away now.

* As evidennced in many stories, Batman will play dirty to win, Superman wont, he is too goody goody.

* Batman is way too smart for Superman. In a fair fight, Superman would win, but Batman would make sure it wasnt one, and he is always prepared with contingency plans in case something goes wrong. Homer Simpson - "Batmans a scientist".

* Batman has synthesised kryptonite, thus he can kill Superman when he wants anyway. He also has plans to kill every member of the JLA just in case he ever needed to.... (Of course, someone got hold of the plans and nearly killed them all, but thats another story, see JLA:Tower Of Babel for the rest, tis great :) )

* Batman already beat the crap out of Superman in a fight in Dark Knight Strikes Back issue one, and he would have beaten him in Dark Knight Returns issue four as well if he hadnt had a heart attack just as he was going to finish him off :D

I await your response ;)
What's with Batman becoming a bad guy and killing the JLA? Doesn't sound like the Batman *I* know.

That reminds me, I *must* try and find my copy of Dark Knight Returns. Bought it three or four years ago, still haven't read it yet!
He doesnt, he has ways to stop the JLA should they ever turn evil (always thinking ahead!), and someone got a hold of the plans and started using them :D

Dark Knight Returns is one of the best books ever :D I havent really ruined the ending either, so dont worry :)
All Superman has to do is pick up Batman, fly up a couple of miles, and drop him. End of story.

Batman vs Daredevil would be a closer match. That'd be cool! Daredevil would be able to see everything coming (so to speak) with his heightened senses and stuff.
No its not the end of the story because Superman wouldnt have the balls to kill him when it comes down to it! :D

I know that Batman doesnt kill either, but he has a lot more of a grey area to work with... :)

Have you seen the Daredevil costume for the movie? It looks really cool.
Ya know I do own some comics too... 4 to be precise... the Megadeth comics they released a few years ago... and I keep them in their plastic covers with a piece of backing cardboard... wouldn't you agree that is very nerdy?
I own the very same ones also :D
They are actually a pretty good read, I wish they had done some more.

Awesome! :headbang:
Even though superman is alot gayer I think he would win...I mean he is super fast...can sneak up on batman with a sword in his hand and chop off batmans head and batman wouldnt even see him! But I suppose if batman has kryptonite he can just make his underwear out of it and superman couldnt get close then he gut him when hes in pain on the I guess I change my mind!

Go batman! I mean batman is more metal anyway he wears black and has a cape and stuff hehe. Superman isnt very metal at all in that blue and red outfit. Plus he wears his underwear on the outside of his pants instead of underneath em.

Batman :headbang: