
Kryptonite gives you cancer, thats how Lex Luthor died, he held onto it for too long while he taunted Supes (well he came back to life again, but they always do in comics!) so Batman probably doesnt want to wear Kryptonite undies :lol: :D

Just to save everyone the trouble: NNEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRDDDD! ;)
Anyone watch Smallville? I saw a few episodes in England, but obviously missed the episode explaining why Supes and Lex knew each other as kids and lived in the same town.
Not too bad. I only saw a couple of episodes. It's one of those shows where heaps and heaps of strange and bizarre things happen in the one town, and nobody really notices. Sort of like Buffy, except that they lived on the Hellmouth (center of mystical convergence, etc) and so at least there was some sort of explanation. Maybe I missed the bit where THAT was explained in Smallville as well :)

A damn sight better than Lois & Clark, though!
I've been watching Smallville (only been 3 episodes so far though), and its quite good, and seems like it will only get better. Spiffy hit the nail on the head with the Buffy comparison, as it is a much similar show. Sunny Dale in Buffy had the Hellmouth, where as in Smallville, the blast from the meteor has caused alot of weird shit, and it isn't really cheesey either, it is explained quite well. Apparently, it has alot taken from the comic (I wouldn't know, as I didn't/don't read them), except for the fact that Lex lives in Smallville and that he and Clark are friends. I guess they just threw that into the mix for something different. It was all explained quite well in the first episode though.

Lois & Clark seemed cool at the time, although I was just a kid, so I guess my opinion doen't really count. :lol:

I sorta agree with Tonci, Batman is alot cooler, but I just think Superman would kick his arse. Why does there have to be other super heros? Superman kills them all!
On the topic of 'Smallville' and superheros, have any of you heard about the new show called 'Birds of Prey'? It is from the makers of 'Smallville', and is about 3 crime fighting chicks in the 'New Gotham City', and one of the chicks is the lovechild of Batman and Catwoman. Weird shit. Dunno when it starts in the US though, so we probably won't hear anything of it for months..
Here's the link for "Birds of Prey" at the Internet Movie Database -

And here's what someone who saw the pilot said:

I just saw the pilot and this show is exactly why comic books get a bad rap by mainstream audiences. It's a godawful campy mess that seems more appropriate for some Saturday afternoon syndicated time slot than Wed. at 9 for the WB. The tone wildly jumps from lame jokes to melodrama. The three leads (Meyer, Scott, and Rachel something) have just as many good moments as bad, and might be fine with better writing, ditto Shemar Moore as the cop. But Sherilyn Fenn turns in her worst performance ever as Harley Quinn and Seinfeld's Mr. Pitt plays Alfred as if he were John Waters recovering from a stroke.

Also, since it is significantly different from the comic on which it's based, the title makes no sense anymore. Dinah is no longer Black Canary, so why are they referred to as Birds of Prey? None of them are birds or have bird names? And while changing it a lot from the comic, they actually made the series more entrenched in comic mythology than the actual comic is(Batman and Catwoman have a kid here, Harley Quinn being Joker's sidekick). That was a real smart move in adapting it for another medium.

This is just bad. Unfunny, bad CGI, lame dialogue, and the worst representations of Batman and Joker ever on screen. Just picture the Schumacher's Batman & Robin, Charmed, and All My Children thrown into a blender (and having none of the fun cheesy joys of Charmed or All My Children). Hopefully it will be canceled fast.
Under what circumstances would Superman and Batman fight though? Aren't they both good guys? Which would turn bad? Does Batman get pissed because Superman keeps looking at Catwoman with X-Ray vision or what?
Maybe Superman has problems with Batman being a vigilante?

Yeah, Annette O'Toole was in "It". (I'm guessing you mean the Stephen King miniseries). It was probably the last thing she did that was of any real note before "Smallville".

Oh, and she was in "48 Hrs" and "Cat People". Great movies, both of them!
In the end, the President asks Superman to take down Batman because he is getting a little out of control (only depending on your point of view though), so they end up fighting in downtown Gotham :D
Now you're just being silly :)

I'm getting confused about which thread I'm in because both this and the nerds one involve discussions about Superman and Batman :)