cop blows dog to bits in tennessee?!?

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
ledmag? have you heard? well, what i heard is that this couple was stopped at a convenient or something, with two dogs in the car. the man put his wallet on top of the car and all his money starting blowing out so he and his wife were trying to catch all the money, someone saw them and assumed they had robbed the store and called the police. so the cop gets there, puts the people in handcuffs, and one of the dogs gets out of the car and starts to walk toward its owners, and what does the cop do? blows it's head off with a shot gun! ooooooowweeeeeeee, boy howdy, someone's got it comin' to them. even if the justice system doesn't do anything to that bastard, he's still got it comin' to him one way or another...:mad:
What a prick. It's really annoying how maybe 3 or 4 cops out of 10 are power-abusing bastards, and the rest are decent guys trying to do their jobs, yet the bastards ruin things for everyone because they're out there fucking people over. So people get their rights trampled, good cops get subjected to hatred, and the assholes continue fucking everything up.

Isn't America great?