What a Fucked up afternoon!

Bryant said:
Dude that is a screwed up day. Your friend might be a good guy, but that was pretty dumb of him. He could have got you busted. I know in Alabama, simple possession is about a $600 fine. It's best just to take your medicine and not make things worse with the law if your caught for something already.


hahah Exzactly!!!! he called me up after they released him .. the first thing he asked me was if I was Pissed I told him no I wasnt but if the cops had of busted me with my meager stash and confiscated my pipe and charged me ThenI would have been pissed ... and I would have too I made sure he relised that ...
Militia said:
Aahh. So this is the evil you were vanquishing? :loco:

Maybe the cop was a stoner too. Some of them are cool like that =D

thats a nice thought but I dont think either were stoners hahahaha it took me several minutes to calm tohose guys down and realise that if I was gonna try somewthing I would have and that I was in Just as much shock over the situation as they were! .... gotta admit though its Humbling to have a 9mm handgun pointed at you...
Wyvern said:
I learnt long ago NEVER to argue with a damn cop. Just pick your ticket or whatever and then go spit on the judge, but on the spot the cop is like the referee. If you argue you get the red card...or the ride in the patrol.

Glad both you and your firend came out intact.

Thanks Vern!!!:wave:
madcheese9377 said:
Yeah, I've had some moments with the law, sometimes the cops are dicks for no reason. Hey at least everythings seems pretty cool, If it were my friend I'd kick him in the crown jewels! I should tell you about the stupid shit that happened to two of my friends.
Another story another day. :grin:
Glad to see you are O.K. brother. :rock:
"The sherrif's after me for what I did to his daughter-I did it like this, I did it like that-I did it with a wiffle-ball-bat." :Smug:

Thank ya Mad Man!!!! I didnt have to kick him in the nutz the cops took care of that ... Fed him his shame like a Hamsandwich :grin:
delize said:
Jesse & Jonah James! Hahaha!

Your friend's a little late to audition for the new Dukes of Hazzard movie. :)

Too bad you didn't have Roscoe P. Coltrane and Deputy Cletus coming after you instead. You might have gotten away.

Seriously though, glad you both made it out ok.
USMC0341 said:
It wasn't a good idea to take off like that...must have been something.


Well like I said he has been stressed and if you know Jesse you know he kinda walks his own path its hard to explain .. he didnt do it because he was trying to get away with anything as he told me later He just didnt want to deal with their shit .... ofcourse he totally went the wrong way about doing it hahaha
Wheezer said:
Your friend's a little late to audition for the new Dukes of Hazzard movie. :)

Too bad you didn't have Roscoe P. Coltrane and Deputy Cletus coming after you instead. You might have gotten away.

Seriously though, glad you both made it out ok.

:lol: :lol: :lol: hahaha I will have to tell him that one hahaha :grin: ... Thanks Brent!
JonnyD said:
Well like I said he has been stressed and if you know Jesse you know he kinda walks his own path its hard to explain .. he didnt do it because he was trying to get away with anything as he told me later He just didnt want to deal with their shit .... ofcourse he totally went the wrong way about doing it hahaha

I didn't mean it like that at all...I NEVER feel like dealing with their shit. Unfortunately, they don't see things that way and then you get yoked up, cuffed and stuffed over something silly.

That just plain sucks...especially when you all weren't doing anything wrong.

USMC0341 said:
I didn't mean it like that at all...I NEVER feel like dealing with their shit. Unfortunately, they don't see things that way and then you get yoked up, cuffed and stuffed over something silly.

That just plain sucks...especially when you all weren't doing anything wrong.


hahaha no worries dude haha It was all pretty stupid
zeppelin said:
They say a good friend is the guy you phone with your "one phone call only" voucher.
A great friend is the guy beside you saying " That was fuckin' awesome!!"

at the time it was happening it was Intense but Looking back on it ... well its pretty fuckin funny! :grin:
When I get pulled over I always have the windows down, reg. and license in my left hand with both hands on the steering wheel and Im in a relaxed and cheerfull calm
mood you don't know how many times I've gotten out of getting a ticket for doing
that! And usually if you get a ticket take it to court here in Indy if the Police Officer
doesn't show up for your trial usually the charges get dropped. Not condoneing doing anything illegal just trying to help ppl out.
I didn't want to start another thread so I'll use johnny's . So here is my story on my fucked up afternoon yesterday. I had to go to the license branch yesterday on the
northside of town for a renewal after waiting in line I went up to the counter and
gave my old license to the employee and the lady said my lic. was suspended and I
was like "What? I haven't had a ticket in 8 years so this is news to me". So she gave
this card for the reinstatement office but the phone number was busy so I had to
drive downtown to the State Ins. Agency get her bus. card just in case they need
to fax something then drive to Southeastside of Indy to Fountain Square to the
Reinstatement office waited in line for 2 hours just to find out they needed proof
of Insurance from an accident (which I was not at fault) that happened in 2001!
2001? Shit I registered my vehicle 3 times since then! So I called the Ins. Lady to
fax my proof of Ins. to the office and I got my license renewed and I made sure my current address was on my lic and they had my cell number so this bullshit didn't happened to me again! Then I had to drive back to the Northeastside to my job
in which I drove thru 4 construction zones! Then I had to wait 10 minutes in the Rallys
drive thru just to get a fuckin cheeseburger and then I had to work my 10 hour shift.
Needless to say It wasnt a very good day.
Here we give the finger to the police and keep driving :lol:

On the other hand there's never a police around when you need it :(
JD, my brother. And you said you didn't like RAP?!?!? Hell, you just lived out a day in the life of Ice Cube if you ask me. hahaha Runnin' from the Five O and shit.

peace out, boyeeeeeeeeeeeee

Shit, I've never had anything that bad happen, but one time, I was with two friends, and we all happened to be really high... I had my pipe and weed on me, and we were walkin down the sidewalk when for some reason they started wrestling on the grass. Now I have to admit, it was kinda stupid to wrestle on the grass in front of a fairly busy road, if your looking to avoid attention... but someone called the cops on us. The bullshit here lies in that when they were done, we started walking away and laughing... so three guys who are all obviously friends having a good time... 4 fuckin cop cars surround us and the dudes try and back us against a wall and start interrogating us... my friend was starting to back talk them and shit, but I just interrupted him and told him we were sorry for the trouble caused like 8 times. What sucks is that whenever I feel like arguing with the cops I've always got something illegal on me.

A friend of mine also got 12 months probation and 2 months house arrest for lying to a cop and telling him to fuck off. Then another friend who was on probation got sent to JDC (juvenille detention court) for supposedly telling a teacher she was a bitch... which wasnt true...

You cant ever really beat the system, only bend rules and exploit loopholes, and hope no one notices.