Copenhagen Gig


New Metal Member
Aug 17, 2007
Wow, just wow.
That has to be the most exciting gig i've ever experienced. Thnaks to Turisas for stopping by Denmark, which many of the major metal bands doesn't. It's so great to see a band that knows how to handle major crowds, and enoy the intimate concerts. As for showmanship goes, Robbie Williams go home, Nygård had the whole crowd in the palm of his hand. Just outstanding. I've got so much respect for a band that's so well thought through. Just creating and believing in their unusual material and carry it home with such professionalisme and enthusiasme.
Great night, and for all of you who have the night still to come, dont miss it! Be sure to stop by the DK again, seemed as if you were most welcome:)
about half full, around a 60-90 people i guess, hard to tell. Not allot not not too few... I was rather wasted, especially after "in the court of jarisleif", dunno there just was a definite before and after that track...
Nice description of the concert. Ye, it was beyond all expectations. What a stage performance! I am glad I travelled all the way to Copenhagen to get there. Concert ticked was 10% of what I had to pay to get there. Was worth it though. Definately.
Here are some pics from the Copenhagen show, hope you like them. We have several more of them at our site,, along with a review. Thanks for a great gig.




