Corby Gulity

The thing I find absolutely absurd is those stupid Australians feeling sorry for her, and claiming, or firmly believing, she's innocent.

Honestly, how could any average Joe in Australia make such claims? No-one can say "She's innocent, I know it", because you bloody well don't have such informed inside knowledge to back that up. Just because she's Australian, does not automatically make her innocent.

She's been found completely guilty. She WAS caught possessing and trafficking a banned substance to that country, but it seems this still won't shut the 'supporters' up.

The same goes for the "Bali Nine". Their excuse that they had to do it because they were threatened that their families and themselves would suffer. Nothing warrants that excuse.

Their parents are wondering how their children got caught up in the wrong groups, and are blaming the initial dealers who led the operation. You don't just come across some drug dealer on the street asking (or demanding) you to take drugs to another country. That does not happen. They have obviously made their contacts along the way - on their own accord and interest for that matter (for money probably) - and it's nobody elses fault but their own. They deserve every bloody punishment they get.

Comparing Schappelle Corby to the so called 'Bali 9' is ridiculous and ignorant.

On one hand you've got a group of people attempting to import heroin into Australia where they can sell it for a shitload of money (or possibly just get paid a shitload of money for carrying it), and they're found with it strapped to their bodies.

There's a motive, and they were caught red handed.

To me that makes them look pretty guilty, and IF given a fair trial and found guilty, I have no sympathy for them even if they get the death penalty. I've got no tolerance for drug traffickers.

Then on the other hand you have a girl who has had marijuana found in her bag, on her way into a country where the marijuana would be worth significantly less than if she was to sell it in Australia.

No motive.

Also there's a proven issue with crooked baggage handlers sticking drugs into people's bags.

Guilty beyond reasonable doubt? Absolutely not.

Unfortunately though the Indonesian system is different to ours, and guilt doesn't have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt - innocence does. That's virtually impossible when the judges attitude is basically "it was found in your bag, therefore you are guilty".

Regardless of having to respect other nations justice systems, it's obvious that this girl hasn't recieved a fair trial and i think people have a right to be extremely pissed off about it.
My point is, and you seem a perfect example of the people I'm commenting about, how do YOU know Corby is innocent, and that drugs were, in fact, planted in her bag?

You don't. Simple. No-one except Corby herself, and in the case there was an external source who planted them, the initial subject.

She could be 100% guilty (It's not the Australian court system, it is the Balinese people's, and according to them, she is). I mean, what person in their right mind wouldn't try their hardest to avoid potential jail/death sentences if found in her position?

Also, I wasn't comparing the trials, I was making reference to the sympathy plea's (even if they aren't upfront, they are evident).
Evidence of her guilt, factors that lead to the verdict -
• Drugs found in her bag.
• Non english speaking security guy who says she claimed it was hers
• You have 3 judges who have openly stated that they have sat on more than 500 similar cases...have NEVER handed down a not guilty verdict...and admitted that if they did, they would be accused of accepting bribery

Evidence against her guilt, absence of proof -
• Zero records of any footage, x-rays or weights from any Australian airport (wtf?)
• No fingerprints taken of bag
• Prisoner witness who overheard jailed baggage handlers talking about it, who was dismissed as a bullshit artist who then goes back to prison to be stabbed/slashed
• Massive investigation and uncovering of drug smuggling ring based in Australian airports involving baggage handlers
• No record of drug convictions/negative drug tests
• Testimony of friends who were at the airport that go against the non english speaking security idiot
• Letters and support (no matter how late or half arsed) from the Government relating to the drug smuggling ring that was uncovered

Officially, the court system over there IS an innocent until proven guilty type system, however the way it is implimented is horrendous. It was adapted from a Dutch system.

How does the Bali bomber mastermind guy, who arranged for the killing of a shitload of people and was proud of it get something like 8 months prison...and a girl with reasonable doubt coming out of her ears get 20 years?

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has said that if a transfer deal is struck with them that she could serve her sentence here in a Qld womens prison.

They should bring her back and give her 20 years home detention. That'll stick it to those Bali cunts.

Will be interesting to see how many of the travel agencies/holiday type places follow through on their threats to boycot Bali. Not that it interests me as a holiday destination anyway, but I wont ever be going there.

At the same time, lets yank the fuckwads of aide we give to their region too.
I disagree with that last statement, Salty. Why should the people suffer because of what the Indonesian courts and government have done?

I personally don't really have all that much of an opinion on the matter. I do maintain, though, that if it wasn't a young, somewhat attractive Australian girl accused of it, there wouldn't be nearly as much dialogue about it. If it had been that scary butch chick from the Bali 9, and the circumstances were exactly the same as Corby's, would there be as much media scrutiny?
Dunno, Salty, I don't know the circumstances surrounding his death. I don't know why everyone is so up in arms about it if he DID die of AIDS, though. I thought we'd moved on from that "gay cancer" rubbish.
Personally I believethat she's the innocent victim of a trafficking ring through the airports...but it's only a belief.

We've had some nasty experiences with the Oz legal system, and seen first hand the manipulation of evidence (including failure to obtain, and or include it), when cops are seeking a successful prosecution, and their case is more political than factual.

I don't believe that she was guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

The Bali 9 are a different kettle of fish, having the shit strapped to them in the first place. They were not separated from their bodies at any stage in the process, nor did they have their bodies passed through (what has been shown to be) a handling system open to abuse.

If they were threatened into it, then that is really really sad, but the fact remains that they knew that they were carrying it when they hit customs, the evidence that they were carrying it seems absolute, and I think that they are screwed.
ifyouwantblood said:
My point is, and you seem a perfect example of the people I'm commenting about, how do YOU know Corby is innocent, and that drugs were, in fact, planted in her bag?

You're right, i don't KNOW that she's innocent - but i'm damn certain that her guilt has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt.

Spiff said:
I do maintain, though, that if it wasn't a young, somewhat attractive Australian girl accused of it, there wouldn't be nearly as much dialogue about it.

I think that's probably true... but kinda beside the point. I think because she looks like a nice sort of girl and NOT like a female scumbag from the Pines or something, people look at her and think "that could be my sister / daughter / whatever"... so they're sympathetic.
Hinch had a point about Corby. If she had been an Australian of an ethnic background other than west European, a male who looked like a bikie or a fat woman with an arse for a face, the case may have been mentioned in passing on a slow news day or in the middle pages of the paper somewhere. What about that Arab guy from Sydney who was in Guantanamo Bay? He was apparently innocent too, or at least he was released when no one could come up with any evidence against him, and yet he rotted there for two years and no one gave a fuck about him. Schapelle Corby was never going to go free. As soon as they pulled that stuff out of her bag, she was fucked. At least she isn't going to get her head blown off like the other mob.
Goreripper said:
What about that Arab guy from Sydney who was in Guantanamo Bay? He was apparently innocent too, or at least he was released when no one could come up with any evidence against him, and yet he rotted there for two years and no one gave a fuck about him.

Puts up hand ...."I did"