Corby Gulity

Hicks is different in that he was an actual combatant. Nevertheless, there's no evidence to suggest he was a terrorist per se, only an enemy combatant. And as the war in Afghanistan has been over for three years, he should have been released at the cessation of hostilities. Was Hicks actually involved in the plotting or mechanics of any terrorist activity? There's no proof, other than he trained at a camp run by bin Laden. That's like saying an infantry man in the Afrika Korps was responsible for Belsen.
Innocent or not, she like many Australians aren't careful enough when travelling to these countries. Time after time people go on about the cheap holiday that is Bali. Do they not realise this place is Indonesia?

Personally i'm sick of hearing about stupid Australians getting caught up in situations in these country's. When ever I travel overseas I make sure every part of my bag is locked.

If she is innocent, I feel sorry for her. However I think if anything she should be an example of why australian citizens travelling should take care of themselves and their possetions.

Maybe Bali is nice (i've never been there), but it might be time for people to consider paying some extra money and actually go somewhere that is safe.
"However I think if anything she should be an example of why australian citizens travelling should take care of themselves and their possetions."

20 years in an Indo prison is a pretty harsh example for not locking a bag.
salty said:
20 years in an Indo prison is a pretty harsh example for not locking a bag.

I do agree. However it is Indonesian law. She was stupid enough to not lock her bag. She had been to Bali several times before. I'm sure she would have seen the massive signs saying death penalty for drug smuggling. All Southern Asian countries are the same. I don't know about anybody else but when i've been through those airports i'm scared shitless. I do my very best to make sure nothing like this can happen to myself. It's common knowledge.
KoichCPA said:
no it isn't.

It's very sensible. Overpopulation will destroy this earth.

Actually, think through that one again then see if you still arrive at the same conclusion about whether killing drug smugglers and murderers would have more of an effect on overpopulation than not.
Cutting off aid or cancelling holidays there is the typical Aussie knee-jerk, small-minded xenophobic reaction. All it does is hurt the little people.

I felt sick when I heard the verdict, as 20 years in an Asian prison would be worse than death as far as I'm concerned. I feel she's innocent, but that doesn't mean much.

The application of the Indonesian legal system is fucked. You can get off or out of jail if you have enough money to pay people off. Tommy Suharto's meant to be in jail, but I've heard reports of him being seen out in Jakarta with his minders.

If she's innocent then I think we should all avoid flying through Sydney or Brisbane on our way to Bali. After all, isn't that where the drugs were planted? Last time I checked those places were in Australia.
Winmar said:
Cutting off aid or cancelling holidays there is the typical Aussie knee-jerk, small-minded xenophobic reaction. All it does is hurt the little people.

This was the thing that pissed me off the most. I don't know how people can honestly say such things when they know nothing of the case. It just makes us all look like jerks.
ironcross said:
I do agree. However it is Indonesian law. She was stupid enough to not lock her bag. She had been to Bali several times before. I'm sure she would have seen the massive signs saying death penalty for drug smuggling. All Southern Asian countries are the same. I don't know about anybody else but when i've been through those airports i'm scared shitless. I do my very best to make sure nothing like this can happen to myself. It's common knowledge.
So now stupidity is enough to get a guilty verdict and 20 years in prison? It's HER fault because she didn't expect to have drug traffickers plant drugs in her bag? :rolleyes: