CORE DEVICE - Our Fellowship Eternal

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
Anyone heard this Core Device band? It's a mix of traditional/thrash/power styles of metal. They only have one full length album out, produced by Micheal Romeo of Symphony X, and released by themselves. I downloaded a song of theirs yesterday and was blown away! How these guys don't have a record label is beyond me!

For those with hi-speed, check out a full length song here:
Dunno what to make out of it. Don't like the drumming nor the mix of clean and harsh vocals. In general I sense the song too shaked and stirred for my taste, it'll be advisable to hear more but at first glance I pass.

NP: Pharaoh - 'Solar Flight'
I really enjoy what I've heard of this band. It's only one song but I think it has massive potential. *prepares to be flamed to hell by the horrible elitists*