core-ish band im recording, hows this mix sounddddddddd?

I've always had trouble with TSL's too. I think the guitars could be brighter/louder, other than that nice job.
i'd dirty up the vocals to give him more sustain and girth to his voice. do it in parallel and mix to taste.

Lot's of cool plugs for this... PSP MixSaturator, Vintage Warmer or even so of Nuendo's built in distortion stuff.
yeah there is actually a little bit of that tl tubesaturation plugin or whatever its called on the vox bus, just slightly though. but yeah some more would probably be beneficial though
yeah there is actually a little bit of that tl tubesaturation plugin or whatever its called on the vox bus, just slightly though. but yeah some more would probably be beneficial though

i was going to mention that plug, oddly enough, haha. other than that though I really like it bro. the band is sweeeet.