Corpse and I back in November

Corrupted Innocence

Sentenced To Dusk drummer
Apr 28, 2007
Montana, USA
As many of you may know, Corpse Consumer and I are great friends, band mates, and also die hard Nekrogoblikon fans. Back in early November we filmed ourselves just freaking out and jamming to Goblins Are Better Than Trolls. Recently I found the video on my computer and finally decided to upload it. We had a blast and we hope everyone enjoys our pathetic youth. We've changed and matured a great deal since this was shot, so don't think it's up to date. Again, filmed in early November of 2007.

Feel free to comment, praise or pile shit upon us.

uggh... I hate how I was a stupid little emo kid back then. BIG mistake...
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I totally used to air guitar to Metallica back in the day... My dad walked in on me once, running around the living room with Blackened blasting at like 100 dB, so embarrassing.

It's an honor that you guys do it to our music, and posting it here takes some balls hahahah.

Corpse did a great deal to stay in the dark...

But funny vid though

All I have is a black light and the light in front of my room, in which Trevor(CI) was closer to. lol. It was a long time ago. and now, I actually can do the bass part. and not just air it with my bass. hahaha. xD

Edit: Thanks Timbus, Glad you approved man, lol.
Hahah, it-s funny, and besides, its not that bad to be stupid sometimes :P
Last night some friends and I went to a bar, drunk, and after that to do stupidities on the streets. I-ll post the videos when the guy who had the camera uploads them.
lol, thanks for all the approvals. We do things like this quite often. lol You should see us when we do a two person wall of death... rofl

And you know what the weird thing is? We filmed this the day that Vitek, the drummer from Decapitated, died from head injuries from a crash.