Corrosion of Conformity

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
I think there is a thread on here about the band already, but I can't be fucked to look for it.

Anyway, you can discuss your favorite albums/songs about this band, but I'd like to go in a different direction:

The band's sound has changed dramatically from Animosity (crossover) to In The Arms Of God (Southern/Sludgy type metal). I find it hard to actually figure out what particular sounds/genre each album represents. I sometimes find myself lumping a majority of their albums into 'Sludge' when they should actually be in the 'progressive' or 'southern metal' genres.

I think it's safe to say that Technocracy and Animosity have the crossover sound and Blind is straight thrashy (though some people might debate this)
I will have to go with Wiseblood easily. Deliverance isn't bad either. Haven't really been able to get into the other albums, especially their "crossover" material.
This post will remain here until Corrosion of Conformity releases another album.
Fantastic band. One thing I like about them is no matter what genre they are playing, be it the early hardcore punk/crossover material or the later southern/slugey stuff, they never sound like their trying to hard to fit into this genre or that genre, it all sounds so natural. Pepper is a really underrated singer, while not the best of all time or whatever, he's got personality in that voice.
I will have to go with Wiseblood easily. Deliverance isn't bad either. Haven't really been able to get into the other albums, especially their "crossover" material.

You should really check out In The Arms Of God if you haven't already. It's pretty much their magnum opus

This post will remain here until Corrosion of Conformity releases another album.

Wiseblood is awesome. Deliverance is okay for the most part. I haven't listened to anything else from these guys.

Also, "Man or Ash" is a great song.
Wiseblood seems naturally flowing and rockin. Nothing that I have heard from In The Arms of God has grabbed me the way King of the Rotten, or The Door, or Long Whip/Big America have.
Deliverance has always been my favorite. I remember buying that album in 94' right after seeing the vid for "Albatross" on Headbangers Ball and i was hooked.