Cosmic Sea


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2002
I love the bass solo from cosmic sea, (as i am sure everyone does)
more importantly i would love to play it right , if i do , i would die a happy man, but so far doesnt sound right to me.
So I figured this is the place to ask for some help!
any feedback on this solo is much appreciated

and how come it sounds like being played with a pick?

thank you for your time:)
I was gonna wait for some one else to tell you but...
just wait a few days and go back to the song so it's "fresh" again that usually helps. Use "modes" when learning songs they can be usefull. As for pick it may be fingernails or "thick" finger tips but it doesn't really sound like a pick to me. More likely it's his setup.

P.S.Maybe I should go learn the song now...
there are no tabs for any instrument in this song
at first when u hear it, it sounds simple enough, after a couple of times you start hearing all the hidden stuff being played,
i cant quite put my fingers on it , it is the least technical of steve's work but it's also the most moving . such a sad solo

steve man your fans need you, we wanna play it out of love
why don't we tab it out then? I have never played this before but I made quick tab :




It's not correct but a start, if you have your own version we can compare and see what doesn't match up. Or just complain on my tab and tell what definately is wrong etc. I doubt that Steve is going to remember anything so we probably have to do this on our own-