Could really need some help with a metal mix


Jun 24, 2012
Hey guys!

I'm currently working on my bands new EP. We have to make it sound as good as possible, but I've only been doing this for the past 4 years, so the quality is far from perfect/professional. But here it is anyway: 2.mp3 <- THIS LINK IS EXACTLY LIKE THE LINK DOWN BELOW. SO YOU CAN'T A/B MY CHANGES I'M AFRAID :(

The song isn't quite done yet. Some piano, FX, strings needs to be added. And yeah, there's no vocals yet.

Some info:
- Guitars are recorded with a Kemper.
- Left side guitar is Engl Savage
- Right side guitar is Mesa Dual Recto
- Bass is DI + Sansamp RBI
- Drums are MIDI
- Drums is a combination of Drumforge and Steven Slate

Can you guys give me a hand here? :)
I think that the rhythm guitars sound slightly too different from each other, the left guitar seems much more present. Additionally, real drums will improve everything drastically
The guitars are generally quite "honky" as well. I'm listening on my beyerdynamic (cans), there's also quite a bit of hiss coming from somewhere, you'll need to clean that up.
sounds balanced and nice bro. i feel there must be more low end (80-140hz) and the kick should be a little quieter. nice job otherwise!
I like how everything sounds. I dig the drum sound, particularly the snare. I'd try to make the bass be slightly more prominent in the mix. I think the kick could use a little more low end a little less click, but other than that sounds awesome! Cool song too :D
wow, thanks so much guys. I fucking hate it, i think it sounds horrible haha. But i guess that you smash yourself to much all the time, at least me haha.

Yeah i have some problems with the fizz on the guitars. A LOT of cuts around the 4-5,5khz area, but i still get some slipping through. I don't wanna do to much, so the sound to dull. But I'll try to fix that :)

And I'm gonna crank the bass, and some lo-lows in the kick :)
Updated version 2.mp3

Most of the changes I did, I did to the master output. So if you guys think that this sounds better, then it will sound EVEN better when we send it out for mastering.

I fixed some more lo-lows in the kick, and turned down the highs (around 6-7khz) on it, I also turned up the bass a bit more. Then I compressed the lows on my c4 (on the master out) more to really squeeze it all together a bit more. I also did a broad cut (1-3Db) on the guitar buss around 4,5 - 6 khz area.

What do you guys think?
Overall pretty good. Here's what I would change:

The left and right guitars are too far off from one another tonally. It's kinda nauseating. The Engl tone fits the song better to my ears.

The drums are very static. Not nearly enough dynamic movement

The stutters and other effects you've got in there are cool, but should be turned up for emphasis. Like the drums, the mix as a whole kinda stays in the same dynamic range the whole time.

The bass should be more present still. Also, you might want to mix in another distorted track with it. One that's just saturated and limited to hell and back. Should help it be more audible and nasty (in a good way) sounding.

The kick's attack frequency is in an akward range, making it feel think even though I can tell the body of it is there. Maybe try some other samples.
Overall pretty good. Here's what I would change:

The left and right guitars are too far off from one another tonally. It's kinda nauseating. The Engl tone fits the song better to my ears.

The drums are very static. Not nearly enough dynamic movement

The stutters and other effects you've got in there are cool, but should be turned up for emphasis. Like the drums, the mix as a whole kinda stays in the same dynamic range the whole time.

The bass should be more present still. Also, you might want to mix in another distorted track with it. One that's just saturated and limited to hell and back. Should help it be more audible and nasty (in a good way) sounding.

The kick's attack frequency is in an akward range, making it feel think even though I can tell the body of it is there. Maybe try some other samples.

Awesome, will test it :)
And yeah, I think we'll re-record all right side guitar tracks :)