could someone give me a little info on these bands?

Black Winter Day said:
nokturnal mortum
Fuck yeah. One of the few bands where I bought one CD and ended up getting their entire collection. Excellent NSBM, lots of depth and keyboard ambience, without being overly gay and symphonic. Everyone likes Lunar Poetry the most, but I rank To The Gates of Blasphmous Fire to be their best.

Fuck yeah. I reviewed Velvet Creation if you wanna check it out:

Fuck yeah. Viking metal at its finest. Start with Norwegian Native Art, but otherwise collect 'em all. Based on the mp3s of the new one, Blot should rule. We've got a review for Odin online.

For the rest, a certain Phyre should be able to add/assist. We also have his review for ILDJARN on the site, and in his top list for 2002, he had TAAKE - Over Bjørgvin Graater Himmerik at the number one spot.

Both The End and Red Stream should stock them all, except for two: EUCHARIST's Mirrorworlds, and EINHERJER's excellent Far Far North EP. Both are out of print and HTF.