Could someone kindly direct me to the space zombies?


Mozart 2024

The Space Zombies are my arch-nemesis (in plural, of course), and I have been summoned back through time to slay them before they invade earth and overrun our planet, pillaging us for brains and assimilating our corpses into their undead collective.

For the future safety of the human race, I have been selected by the Terran military alliance go back in time (from 2024, to 2004, when they first began to appear) to destroy them. I need a starting point. Has anyone here ever sighted a space zombie?
so does the time border follow Terminator rules, where its only one way and you can't go back, or in contrast, Back To The Future rules, where back and forth is possible?
Clearly, if you read my post, I said, I came from my time, to 2024, and then went back 20 years to now to slay the zombies before their arrival.

John Titor is my boss, perhaps you might know him?
Are you sure you're from 2024? That would mean time travel must already be invented now. In which case timewave one has already occurred, 8 and a half years early, possibly more... WOW!!!o_O

On the other hand you could just be a liar :D
