Could this be...


The Devil's Daughter
Dec 11, 2004
The Desert
the beginning of the end of life as we know it??? This mess in the gulf of Mexico is unbelievable. I predict this to be a worse disaster than that last tsunami. They showed a gas station in Atlanta GA selling gas for $5.87 a gallon. The rescue efforts in New Orleans are slowed down because they are trying to stop looting, etc. Wonder how many bodies will turn up in the end???
This truly horrifies me! As it stands, the "road home" is incomplete...I don't even know how to GET HOME FROM HERE NOW!!! I-10 is the way, but it is broken...other than flying of course! Maybe I should consider "getting religion" other than LaVey...then again, maybe NOT!!!
That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -
Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn -
world serves its own needs, don't misserve your own needs. Feed it up a knock,
speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,
down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for
hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies
breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered
crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

br00tal :devil:

but yea, I fear that the apocalypse is near
I havent kept up with news cause Ive been working way to much(12 hour shifts can fuck off haha) so I havent kept up with the news but I hear a WHOLE CITY is under water :yow: thats un-fucking-beleivable
Good suggestion from people on other messageboards..... fence it off and let them have at it. Darwinism at it's best.

I don't think we should risk the good guys being shot by their snipers (to prevent cops from stopping looters? wtf?)... or the helicopters that are being shot at. They dont want to be saved, fuck them... let them rot.
67 Camaro said:
Good suggestion from people on other messageboards..... fence it off and let them have at it. Darwinism at it's best.

I don't think we should risk the good guys being shot by their snipers (to prevent cops from stopping looters? wtf?)... or the helicopters that are being shot at. They dont want to be saved, fuck them... let them rot.
Minority rules! The Government of the future! This is a national disgrace.
67 Camaro said:
Good suggestion from people on other messageboards..... fence it off and let them have at it. Darwinism at it's best.

I don't think we should risk the good guys being shot by their snipers (to prevent cops from stopping looters? wtf?)... or the helicopters that are being shot at. They dont want to be saved, fuck them... let them rot.
because there are people down there that do want to be saved who arent looting or shooting at them? :err:
Then they should be making their way out of that situation... not just camping out waiting for someone to save them.

...I would guess 80% of the ones in trouble are on welfare... used to depending on the government to tell them where to go, send them checks to live on, use free or cheap trans to take them around. So when something like this happens, they have nothing to fall back on, no stored food in cans, no cash, no cars to escape in...nothing.
So the weak go to shelters and the strong steal and loot, rape and pillage...they do not know how to do anything else.

It sucks, but their situation there is survival of the fittest... there's just no way around that. Sink or swim...............

The only way to really deal is to send authority in with shoot to kill in mind. If someone becomes a threat -shoot them. End of story. There will not be a happy ending to this no matter how it is resolved.
67 Camaro said:
Then they should be making their way out of that situation... not just camping out waiting for someone to save them.

...I would guess 80% of the ones in trouble are on welfare... used to depending on the government to tell them where to go, send them checks to live on, use free or cheap trans to take them around. So when something like this happens, they have nothing to fall back on, no stored food in cans, no cash, no cars to escape in...nothing.
So the weak go to shelters and the strong steal and loot, rape and pillage...they do not know how to do anything else.

It sucks, but their situation there is survival of the fittest... there's just no way around that. Sink or swim...............

The only way to really deal is to send authority in with shoot to kill in mind. If someone becomes a threat -shoot them. End of story. There will not be a happy ending to this no matter how it is resolved.

My. You are retarded.
Well, when you consider what's floating in that water, and how deathly ill it could make you.... it would be better to stay where you are if you have some sort of shelter. The smarter of the masses understand that by coming in contact with that water puts them at greater risk of serious illness or death. Just breathing in the bacterium that remain on your clothes from that water for an elapsed amount of time is the same as being in the water.

And, what does being on welfare have anything to do with it? The rich and the poor all took the same amount of damage. Most don't even have any property to credit to their names except the clothes on their backs... and even that's limited. I'd say they're all in the same boat, social status aside.

We do not need people to shoot them on sight. What we need is a governmental system that will step up to the plate and provide order. Without law, there is chaos, and where there is chaos, there is savagery. People get paranoid and they turn on each other. They wouldn’t if they had something to stake their claims on. Society needs rules and regulations to follow and laws to adhere by.

Looting is understandable considering conventional morality will apply for the first few days when people still have hope that they will be rescued. But eventually panic will set in, and it’s when people begin to accept their fate that they become corrupt and take the law into their own hands. I am by no means defending this action. I'm just saying that this results naturally from their increasing openness to the innate evil and savagery that has always existed within all human beings. But is this wrong considering they are acting accordingly to the most primal of instincts that drive us all – the need to survive? I don't know....

My longest post ever. :D
Welfare has a lot to do with it because of the fact that the people that could get out... did. For the most part the people that were left behind were the ones that did not have anywhere to go because they had no way to do it. The people that are/were in the superdome were the people that had no way out... that was why they opened it up, from my understand it at least. Social status has a lot to do with that because the ones with money had a way out.

I can completely understand the looting of grocery stores and stuff.... I'd do it if I was in need of food and none was coming from the outside. The stores would not sell the food anyway... it would just sit and go bad. On the other hand I cannot understand much of anything else.... even if the TV that you steal is in working order when you steal it.... it's going to be useless for a LONG time because that city isn't going to have the water pumps just starting to clear out the water for what like a month I think I heard? Even when the water is pumped out... everything will be just as useless -water logged, etc. It just makes no sense to me.

Couple people brought up the option of getting everyone out ("everyone" is debatable.... I still don't think that the "thugs", prisoners, etc will come out no matter what) and taking out the other levies (sp?). That will level everything out.... and they can start the city over. Chicago did that in the past did that as well as Seattle apparently.
67 Camaro said:
Welfare has a lot to do with it because of the fact that the people that could get out... did. For the most part the people that were left behind were the ones that did not have anywhere to go because they had no way to do it. The people that are/were in the superdome were the people that had no way out... that was why they opened it up, from my understand it at least. Social status has a lot to do with that because the ones with money had a way out.

I can completely understand the looting of grocery stores and stuff.... I'd do it if I was in need of food and none was coming from the outside. The stores would not sell the food anyway... it would just sit and go bad. On the other hand I cannot understand much of anything else.... even if the TV that you steal is in working order when you steal it.... it's going to be useless for a LONG time because that city isn't going to have the water pumps just starting to clear out the water for what like a month I think I heard? Even when the water is pumped out... everything will be just as useless -water logged, etc. It just makes no sense to me.

Couple people brought up the option of getting everyone out ("everyone" is debatable.... I still don't think that the "thugs", prisoners, etc will come out no matter what) and taking out the other levies (sp?). That will level everything out.... and they can start the city over. Chicago did that in the past did that as well as Seattle apparently.

I have a friend that is trapped in New Orleans.

He is not on welfare.

The fact of the matter is that the attempted exodus of that place was too little, too late...

There's too many people.

Rich and poor.

Armageddon isn't coming... Screaming doom and gloom will only get you on the radio and get people panicing. The world is pretty fucked up, yes, but we're not all going to die.

Natural disasters happen.

People die.

This is life.

It is a horrible shame, but we've been living too long in denial that life isn't all honkey-dorey, so worried about our day to day existence and forgetting that we've, in a sense, domesticated ourselves...

People looting and going nuts? Well, YEAH... 4 days, massive mental trauma, no food, no electricity...

Monkey see, monkey do...

It only takes a few people to start shit for the rest to follow...
I agree with all of that, if not all... for sure. I suppose I should not have implied "all"... I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions.

Thing is though that most of the people there now are poor ...perhaps not on welfare... but considered to be in poverty. That doesn't make them any less of a person, neither does being black. I think I heard today that 6x% of New Orleans is black? I honestly dont know... and I suppose it doesn't matter. The city is either rich or poor... not a lot of in between. Rape, murder, sniping police officers, shooting at helicopters, looting TVs, etc.. that makes you less of a person. They need to be gone. From what I understand most of the population there is like that. Kids walking around with guns.... insane.

I was reading the local paper today at lunch and they had a big article about the race card being played as well as the social status. They went on about how most of them were black and most of them were poor..... would the situation be any different if they were white? more wealthy? It's really hard to say, but no matter who was in there... if there are people shooting police, people are going to be reluctant (sp?) to go in and try to save people. What's the saying about the bad apple ruining the lot? I also read that there was a building with a firefighter and family, etc ... and the snipers were shooting people trying to go in and save them....??

Also heard that the mayor was being blamed about not getting the people out with a mandatory evacuation and stuff.. .but man.... things like evacuation from a category 4/5 storm when youre under sea level should be common sense. When Hurricane Dennis was coming straight for Pensacola and was a pretty strong storm.... we evacuated. We didn't for Ivan, but we damn sure would have if our city was below sea level. Also decided we weren't gong to stay through any storms like Ivan again... it's just not worth it. Do all you can to save the house/personals and get the fuck out.

10k of the people from the superdome are being set here.... a lot of the guys on the local automotive boards are preparing for break-ins and stuff (stocking up on ammo, buying a gun, stuff like that). It's pretty sad that it has to be like this.
Few quotes from a local car board:

I have a friend that is a firefighter, he got shipped to N.O. to help. He called yesterday and said he's been shot at he knows 4 times, threatened w/ a knife, and cussed enough to make a sailor blush. He says the ppl are fargin lunatics and that we need to blow the city up w/ them in it.

Spoke with the folks that own my apartment complex and though some of the roofs were blown off, many were o.k. but they said that these scum went in and looted. They said not to be surprised if someone is living in them when we get back in. They also burned the Oakwood mall to the ground and attacked the firefighters when they came to put the blaze out. These people should be shot and burned!

I was at the Citgo station at W and Lee and ended up locking my keys in my car. While trying to get it unlocked some black guy from Louisiana walked up from behind me and pinned me up against my car and got right up next to my ear and asked me if I locked my keys in my car because I was scared of *******. Needless to say, I got the shit scared out of me.

Next I'll be packing and I'll answer him with a fucking bullet in the gut.

It's hard to say what is really going on if you just watch the news, bias, etc. ...but when you hear things from people that are there and no news station to glorify anything over... it just makes a big difference. IMO anyway. *shrug*
This is a horrible catastrophe, and I feel bad for all the people who lived in the cities that were affected by hurricane Katrina I agree it took way to long for help to aid everyone suffering. But also there should have been a more than serious, bulletin on all forms of media, enforced by the government for everyone to prepare to vacate the whole area. This was predicted back in 1998 from what I read and was known for years. Everyone and nature is to blame really; but I only hope the city can be rebuilt into an awesome place as it was again. Storms can change course in a matter of a day, so yeah I would have been pretty hesitant to leave too, but not if there was some kind of in your face (your home will be flooded out no matter what) statement to be said.. No one really takes storms seriously unless they have been devastated by them, that’s too bad cause those who didn’t believe it suffered. I’ve made a ton of friends from New Orleans over the years and I text messaged all of my friends there and they couldn’t respond until a couple days ago saying that everything they own is gone, and they are now staying in other states. My friend Zach from Goathwhore, the guy that comes from Arizona said his drums are stuck in on the 6th floor of a rehearsal space building, and his truck and apartment are gone. I would be down for a benefit concert, most bands should, and band who knows that New Orleans is an awesome place to play should, these things take planning though, even though metal music doesn’t really have its huge celebrities, something can be done to help. has most of the pictures of the devastation, displaying the real graphic reality of what is going on down there.