Could use some help with how to shape this tone


Cyber Demon
Nov 5, 2014
Houston, TX
So this has been a long process spanning many months of trial and error, tons of research, and mulitple hours on youtube. I have yet to find what my problem really is and have finally given in to asking for help.

The issue is this : guitar tone sounds extremely overdriven and static-y.

I have used 3 different guitars, 2 with EMG 81/85 and the other stock.
Used cheap cables to mogami.
Different DAW's, FL Studio and Cubase (primarily use FL Studio)
Have tried a wide assortment of amp sims, guitar impulses, and pedals
Have ensured that all of my connections are indeed grounded
I am plugged in to the INST input of my interface (Line6 UX1)
Buffer size and bit rate are optimal
Used many EQ's to no avail
Doesn't matter how much gain or drive I use it still always sounds extremely overdriven

Really I've done just about everything I have read on these forums and countless more. I could really use your help. I'm near concluding that it is my interface and the INST input doesnt have a working Lo-z/Hi-z relay.

My primary chain is:
Schecter Platinum C-1 w/ EMG 81/85 ---> Line6 UX1 ---> TSE 808 ---> Poulin Legion Amp Sim (or Nick Crow 8505 Lead) ---> LeCab (Andy Sneap Impulse)

Here is the audio file

Any advice is great, just throw around some ideas if you could.
There's a couple things to take a look at... First thing would be how the l/r panned guitars are out of sync with each other, which is just making things sound chaotic, so check that. The parts that do match up sound pretty solid IMO, but you can never tell how it will completely sound until it sits in a mix. If you want to save some hassle don't forget to keep that gain to a minimum, hp/lp, and see where you stand once you can incorporate other instruments. Hope I wasn't stating the obvious here, but I'm just giving out the advise I see necessary. I used to own a UX2, and to be honest the UX line in general is capable of producing good home recordings, you just gotta work at it, Goodluck!
Yeah the recording was just made on the spot so the performance blows lol but yes I have tried everything you have mentioned. Even inside a completed and mixed song with all other instruments that static tone just will not go away. Essentially, when you first plug into an amp (or this case an amp sim) even without dialing in the preferred tone you can still hear how GOOD it is by itself, even if its not what your looking for. But with this issue, the moment the TSE or AMP sim are pulled up it IMMEDIATELY sounds like complete trash. Even with the gain turned all the way down the static overdrive is still very present in the tone.

I should also point out that this is my 3rd UX1 I've owned, my very first one my tone was pretty great and didnt have any of that static. But now using this 3rd one, I have yet to find any good tone, whether using POD FARM or Amp Sims... it does the same thing for everything. But playing clean, clear as glass. Add just the VERY SLIGHTEST gain and boom theres that static. Really I'm extremely puzzled by it.
So I think I may have found the issue. Talking with a few other people online it seems what the problem is that my signal is way too hot. I just ordered a Live Wire Passive Direct Box and I'm hoping that I will have the same outcome as some others. Basically Plugging an active pickup guitar into a passive DI Box to the interface has helped others get rid of that extreme harshness similar to mine. Any thoughts on this?
It could be your interface! Do you have another one to try out? I had an interface that acted in a very similar manner. The slightest amount of gain, and it sounded like I was playing through a radio under a bridge.